Day 70 - Found

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Finally Aomine reached his room, the last place he hadn't searched yet. Walking through the door, he immediately spotted the puppy. He was hidden under the covers of the blue-haired's bed. Well, his little body could be easily outlined but the puppy thought he was hidden good enough.

Aomine slowly walked forward, sitting on his bed. The movement of the mattress made Senshi jump. Was he found?

Then the pup saw the covers lifting, light seeping in his hiding place. He was found.

Looking guiltily upwards, Senshi saw Aomine looking at him with a small smile on his lips. Was his humans not angry? Or was it too early to tell? Senshi still didn't move, waiting for the verdict.

"Come on, buddy. Come here, I won't yell at you. I'm not angry."

Senshi, of course, didn't really understand a word. But the human's voice sounded nice, soothing. So the pup gathered all the courage he could find and got up, slowly walking to Aomine. And soon enough he felt the human's hand on his back, slowly petting him.

"Sorry, Senshi. It's my fault. Should've thought you would get bored here after a whole day with nowhere to run. Sorry." Aomine picked up the pup, lifting him up so he could look him in the eye and apologise properly.

Then, after looking around as if to check if there was someone around, Aomine quickly hugged the puppy, just for a few seconds before putting him back on the bed and jumping up, rubbing his neck, face red. That was an embarrassing action in his opinion. And he had a reputation to uphold.

After clearing his throat, Aomine proposed an idea. "Do you want to go play out now? We'll fix the window later, it's no biggie."

Senshi saw the big smile on his human's face. So he wasn't angry. And he was taking him out to play. He could practise with the orange ball! Soon enough the pup was waving his tail around, running and barking happily.

Senshi had the best human, no one could change his mind about this.

Tetsuya Nigō Drabbles Part 1Where stories live. Discover now