Day 30 - A fight?

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Tetsuya didn't really like the new puppy. It was ignoring him and his tries to start a conversation. Yoshi didn't know what to do either. Great...

So little Tetsuya looked up to his favourite blue-eyed human, trying to convey what was going on. Kuroko understood and asked Takao and Kise if the puppy had behaved like that since the beginning. They nodded. Okay, not very encouraging.

Soon enough Kagami decided to roll one of the basketballs laying around to the new, still nameless puppy. Said puppy only looked at it, sniffed it and then pushed it away, lying on its paws again. So it didn't like neither Tetsuya and Yoshi, nor the humans or the toys scattered around? No one had seen such a puppy before.

"Why are you like that? Don't you want to be friends with us?" Little Tetsuya barked.

"No, thank you." The new puppy answered quietly. "Everyone here is weird." The animal looked around.

"They're not weird. They're our humans." Yoshi barked, waving his tail and standing defensively in front of Midorima.

"Whatever." The new pup rolled its eyes.

That was it. No one rolled their eyes in front of Tetsuya Number 2, Seirin's best mascot.

So Tetsuya walked in front of the newcomer with a prideful step, looking down at him.

"You shouldn't talk like that. Our humans chose you, you should be grateful. They're the best ones ever, you'll see. Now apologise."

But the new puppy wasn't having anything of this either.

"And who are you to talk to me like that? I've seen many humans, why should these be any different? And watch how you talk to me, I'm older than you."

Was there a fight brewing?

Tetsuya Nigō Drabbles Part 1Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora