Day 98 - Hard training

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Even little Tetsuya noticed something was different. His human spent more and more time in school, running around or throwing the orange ball.

The tournaments were really close now.

Tetsuya knew he had to train with the humans too so as to be the best mascot possible, the luckiest. But even he got tired and took breaks or rode the female human's scooter.

His humans didn't complain as they usually did. No, they looked more serious, more motivated, more dangerous.

So both Tetsuya and Riko knew they had nothing to worry about. The Seirin basketball team was going to give their all as always. And this year it was more than the previous.

But of course everyone knew the other teams were training hard, too. That was a given. And everyone had gotten stronger.

So Riko decided to make a few new exercises for their training program. And that's why the boys left the gym a lot later now. On more and more days Kuroko had to bring a sleeping Tetsuya at home.

Of course they had their days when they didn't want to train, were tired or just grumpy. This was bad for the poor boys though. Because Riko got even scarier then. And so did the exercises.

So sometimes little Tetsuya had to wake up a tired Kuroko who had fallen asleep in the changing room or on the mats in the gym.

Everyone could see though that the hard training was paying off.

And so the tournaments were looming closer and closer.

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