Day 56 - Basketball match

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It was his first match. And he was nervous. But also excited. Very excited.

Finally Kuroko turned into the park, picking up the puppy from his head and holding him in his hands, hugging the animal to his chest. Once he saw Yoshi and Senshi, little Tetsuya barked happily in greeting. And so did his friends. Hissori just looked at him before looking back to Kise who was talking to him.

Kuroko let his puppy to the ground, the animal immediately running forward and starting a conversation with the other puppies, probably planning teams and strategies already.

"So? Any idea what the teams are?" Kagami asked, walking to his friend and team mate.

The blue-eyed boy shrugged. "They'll decide amongst themselves. I explained what they were going to do today to Number 2."

"By the looks of it Hissori wouldn't like it very much if he was in a team with Tetsuya." Aomine said thoughtfully while scratching the back of his neck. "Your puppy is best friends with Yoshi."

"But it might be a good idea to put Number 2 and Hissori on one team. They might start getting along." Midorima said, suddenly appearing near the other boys.

The group looked to the puppies, three of them playing around Takao, the fourth still looking up to his human, Kise.

"But that way they'll be at disadvantage. Tetsuya and Hissori are the best at their moves. The other two puppies can only pass the ball around." Kagami mused.

"Who said I haven't been teaching Yoshi?" Midorima looked coldly at the redhead.

"I might not have known Senshi for long but I told you, I'm going to teach him to fight, too. That means in basketball, too, Taiga." Aomine said with his dangerous smile.

"Even better. We'll just let the puppies decide the teams." Kuroko interfered.

The puppies' first basketball match was about to begin.

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