Day 11 - Unlikely friendship

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Tetsuya liked the other boy with blue hair and blue eyes. The darker boy with the darker blue hair and blue eyes. Because that boy also liked to annoy the red-haired boy from Tetsuya's humans.

So the little puppy was always happy to see him come to Seirin high-school, running to him and jumping at his legs until the boy picked him up or patted his head. That also didn't please the redhead much.

There was also this pink-haired human that came with the blue-haired once in a while. And as every other female human, she freaked over Tetsuya's looks. I mean, he knew he was cute and all, no need to be so loud about it. Still, he didn't mind the dog treats or toys when she brought him something.

But more importantly, this blue-haired human didn't mind if little Tetsuya wanted to play basketball with him. Unlike everyone else, this human let the puppy chase after the ball or even pretended that it was beating him at whatever weird game they were playing (because it certainly didn't look like basketball).

So yeah, this blue-haired human was definitely somewhere near the top of the list with Tetsuya's favourites. Or maybe Tetsuya just liked blue.

But this feelings weren't only one sided. Aomine had fun with the puppy, too. It wasn't annoying like some humans were ("looking at you, Momoi, stop bugging me about school or training"). The games with the puppy were fun too, even if the Seirin guys called him a softie. What was so wrong, Aomine just liked puppies. And this puppy in particular seemed to have a knack to annoy Kagami in just the right way or moment. That was Aomine's favourite part. Made his visits much more better (not that he would admit that he visited mostly because of the puppy, no).

And so Tetsuya couldn't wait till their next combined prank for Taiga. Frankly, Aomine could say the same.

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