Day 49 - No trouble

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Little Tetsuya had found a bag of dog food and was eating from it happily, Yoshi was chasing a fly on the kitchen table and Hissori was drinking water from the sink, a lone toy laying forgotten near the fridge. At least they weren't fighting anymore.

Not that the boys knew that the puppies had fought.

Still, Kise's expression was priceless when he saw the room. Aomine could barely stop himself from laughing, he stopped though when he remembered that he should probably help his friend clean up.

The puppies all looked up at once when they heard the blonde boy gasp, his eyes wide. All three of them knew they were probably in trouble. Tetsuya and Yoshi had been in trouble before for similar behaviour while Hissori just had a hunch.

But the two boys were so baffled that they just ushered the pups to the living room without so much as a glare in their direction. And then spent a whole hour to clean and fix everything. When they went to the living room, tired and just wanting to lay down and sleep, all puppies had lined up next to each other, tails and ears down, puppy eyes looking apologetically at the boys.

They knew they should be in trouble, even if their humans didn't.

But Kise and Aomine just lied down on the carpet, closing their eyes and tried to calm their breathing. After a few moments they got up, petting the puppies.

"You have a lot of energy, huh?" Kise asked.

"Let's go play some more basketball then." Aomine proposed with his boyish smile.

Tetsuya Nigō Drabbles Part 1Where stories live. Discover now