Day 141 - Shadow?

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Aomine was very disappointed. He wanted to play against Kuroko and Kagami again, preferably in the final match. But now Akashi had ruined his plans.

"How did you do it?"

"Did what?" Akashi asked as Aomine towered over him, scowling.

"You know what! You completely shut me off. I couldn't do anything." The blue-haired boy growled.

"I wasn't even marking you, Daiki. The one who beat you was Chihiro." And with that Akashi followed his teammates as they had to review the match, there was no break for chatting today.

While exiting the hall, the Rakuzan captain saw Kuroko and the whole gang, even the puppies tagging along. He nodded to them with a small smile before continuing out and towards the changing rooms. But he noticed how everyone was more focused on Chihiro, watching him with thoughtful expressions. Good, that was good. They were going to focus on him and not on Akashi in their next match.

That was the plan after all. In a sense Akashi was using the older boy again but this time with his agreement to the plan. And since Chihiro was supposed to be a shadow, Kuroko's copy, the fact that all the attention was on him confused the ones who were giving him said attention.

Akashi was very happy. And judging by Chihiro's small smile he was happy, too. He had officially used this tactic in a match and pulled it off successfully. This was big, important. Akashi had to tell him that later on and praise him a bit, the boy deserved it.

Meanwhile, Kuroko was indeed wondering exactly what Akashi had planned on. How did Chihiro do all of this? Actually, everyone was thinking that.

But now Seirin had another match to focus on. After all, the final wasn't here yet. They were sure they would meet Akashi and Rakuzan there though. And of course Chihiro, their new secret weapon.

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