Day 77 - Lunch time

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On one of these meetings that the Generation of Miracles had, the pups all got to eat food they normally wouldn't. And here's how it happened.

During the lunch break, while all the humans were sitting on the nearby benches, eating bentos or just talking after having finished eating, the puppies were also eating their portions. When little Tetsuya was finished, he looked up happily, his tongue darting out of his mouth to get any left crumbs on his fur. When he saw him.

The Tree had packets with yummy food. And the pup wanted a bite, too.

"Hey, guys. Do you want to eat what the humans eat?" The pup asked his three friends, easily getting their attention.

"Like what?" Yoshi asked excitedly.

"You'll see. The Tree will give us some food, come on." Tetsuya nodded towards the boy, starting to walk in his direction.

"You've had before?" Senshi asked. "My human gave me a bit once too. It was very nice." He said thoughtfully.

Hissori kept quiet, just following the others. Might as well check it out, food is food.

The puppies, following Tetsuya's lead, walked to Murasakibara's bench, stopping a few steps away. Only the light blue-eyed puppy walked forward, giving a small bark before softly jumping on the bench next to the boy.

"Huh?" Murasakibara said slowly. "You've gotten the whole gang here."

The boy looked to his ex teammates, noticing they hadn't yet noticed what the puppies were doing. He shrugged before getting an empty pack of chips and dropping a few sweets and other foods in it.

"That's enough. Share." He said before giving it to the puppy who bit the packet, lightly bumping Murasakibara's hand with his head in thanks before swiftly jumping down and running to the other puppies before again leading them, this time away from the humans.

Once he thought they were safe, he stopped and dropped the packet, nudging it so the others could see the food inside it. Soon enough all puppies were eating happily again, this time human food, yummy food, probably not so healthy food.

But it was really yummy.

There were no fights during this lunch break, even Hissori thanking Tetsuya.

Meanwhile, once the other humans saw what Murasakibara had done, they weren't as happy as their puppies. They were the ones yelling and fighting now.

Tetsuya Nigō Drabbles Part 1Where stories live. Discover now