Day 168 - New plan

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And so the second and last ten minutes of the second match began. Kise and Aomine told their puppies to just act like normally but still be weary of the other team. Midorima and Kuroko put their new plan into action, Yoshi being a shadow now.

At first Hissori and Senshi lingered by Yoshi out of habit but soon left him, focusing on the attack. And then the plan began. Tetsuya passed more to Yoshi who quickly scored two baskets. Everyone was surprised. And it was logical for the other two pups to focus on Yoshi again. Meanwhile their humans were very surprised.

Soon enough though Yoshi began passing to Tetsuya suddenly, who had no problem scoring when no one was marking him. Their team soon caught up.

But Kise and Aomine quickly caught up on the plan. Today they were on a roll with the tactics game. So after quickly calling a timeout, the two boys told their pups what to do.

Yoshi was obviously tired, there was no real need to focus on him. Still, they had to keep an eye on him but run mainly after Kuroko's pup. They were not going to fall for this trap.

When the game started again, it was obvious the two pups had left him alone. Kuroko and Midorima didn't like this.

But again, they could only wait for now and see their opponent's new plan. Maybe there was a flaw in it?

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