Day 185 - Tiring out again

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Hissori managed to get two points back. But something seemed wrong to him. The purple pup wasn't defending like before. He wasn't jumping. He was just getting close to Hissori, stopping him from shooting and making him try and find another way to aim at the hoop. And this was tiring.

So Hissori couldn't score for the third time. Suddenly he felt his paws heavy. He panted, tongue hanging from his mouth. What was going on all of a sudden?

The purple pup noticed the slowness, smirking happily. His human's plan was working. So the pup quickly got the ball from his opponent and scored. This match was over.

A few seconds later both Hissori and Kise understood what had happened while they were too focused on moves and scoring. Murasakibara's pup had purposefully tired out Kise's pup.

Everyone seemed to use this logic now, tiring their opponent. Kise was angry. How hadn't he seen through this?! Quickly calling a timeout, the boy wondered what he could do, if he could somehow help his pup. Was it too late? Was the small animal too tired?

But Hissori wasn't that bad. He was used to long games or a lot of running because he did that with Senshi a lot. They trained or played together almost every day lately. He was used to the exercise.

So maybe it wasn't too late. But how could Kise counter Murasakibara's tactic?

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