Day 173 - Know each other

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The plan was for Tetsuya and Yoshi to play against each other. So Kuroko and Midorima had to plan for that. The others had a bonus day to rest. But tomorrow, before Tetsuya's and Yoshi's match, they were going to draw sticks again to see who was going to play against who.

Both Kuroko and his green-haired ex teammate knew each other as well as their puppies. Yes, they had thought them new moves but still knew their puppies' capabilities to some extent. There could be hardly any surprises.

Still, both humans practiced with the puppies to polish on their newest moves. Tetsuya had to practice his blocking since Yoshi was good at long distance shots. He also practiced his dribbling skills.

Meanwhile Yoshi had finally mastered his passing, even if he didn't use it much. That was one of his secret weapons, together with his newest move. Although said move might not be very useful in a match one on one. Unless Midorima changed it up a bit. It could work...

And so while most of the puppies rested, two worked hard, not wanting to embarrass their humans even more. The fight was for the fifth place but it was still better than the sixth, last one.

Tomorrow the fight for the first place was going to take place. First place in reverse though.

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