Day 150 - Thank you

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Rakuzan didn't show their happiness in front of Seirin like the latter had done last year. It was normal and expected of them to win. Besides, they kind of fell bad for the Seirin boys, even if they had stolen their crown last year.

After the bow, all ten boys went back to their benches to get their stuff and go celebrate. Or go wallow in pity. Train. Get their anger out. Whatever each person from Seirin felt.

"Good job, Akashi. Your plan worked." Reo congratulated his captain.

"Thank Chihiro, too. He did most of the work this time." Akashi said with a smile towards the said boy, who was silently getting his towel and water in his bag.

At the same moment both Eikichi and Kotarou jumped on the older boy with loud yells. They had started on the partying then. Akashi shook his head, getting the last of his stuff before quickly looking to Seirin's bench.

Everyone was quiet there, their heads hung low, some having tears in their eyes, others having tears down their faces. Kuroko just looked determinedly at Chihiro. He hadn't figured Akashi's trick till the end.

Kneeling next to the bench as if to fix his shoe laces, Akashi petted the happy reddish puppy waiting for him there before telling him to go with his teammates. He had something else to do.

When he got up Akashi crossed the field, stopping in front of Seirin.

"You fought well, good job."

"Not well enough though." Kagami growled.

Even little Tetsuya seemed angry as he watched Akashi from Kuroko's bag.

"What was this trick? I still can't figure it out." Asked Kuroko, seemingly deep in thought.

"If I tell you, you'll know what to do next time. And that won't be good for me, Tetsuya." Akashi smiled.

"You were still doing something, even if you acted like you weren't..." Kuroko continued his musings.

"The match is over, no point in thinking about it." Riko said. "Besides, even if you figure it out he'll change it till our next match."

The Rakuzan captain just shrugged.

"Still, you fought more and better than Aomine, didn't lose hope. Congratulations on the good match and thank you."

With that Akashi turned around, going out of the door his teammates had passed through a few minutes earlier.

Seirin still looked dejected but Akashi's words pacified them a bit. It meant even he had some trouble with them. Still, a loss was a loss.

Tetsuya Nigō Drabbles Part 1Where stories live. Discover now