Day 6 - New puppy

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Tetsuya was the luckiest mascot, that was well known. Which meant other people from other teams knew this too. For example Takao (or the bike guy as the pup called him).

Since he saw Tetsuya for the first time (and how he annoyed Midorima), the boy had wanted a puppy for their own team, too (and of course, to annoy Midorima). So he had searched far and wide for the perfect one.

And he had finally found it.

One day, as he was going to Midorima's home to get him and go to school, he had noticed a pet store. And through the glass window he saw it. A puppy with green eyes, just as his green-haired friend's ones.

Takao had nearly crashed into a poll but he had managed to stop, quickly getting off the bike and into the shop. There he had understood that the puppy was a red doberman (which meant it would grow as tall as Midorima probably). Normally puppies' eyes weren't that kind of green but this ones were. Takao quickly bought the puppy and everything that it would need according to the shop assistant (good thing he had his allowance on him and hadn't spent it on anything yet).

"What should we name you?" The boy asked the puppy once he put it in Midorima's rick shaw. "Maybe we should wait and ask Midorima himself, huh?" The boy asked again, this time with a mischievous glint in his eyes.

The puppy let out a small bark, looking up at the boy before laying down.

"I'll hide you between all the bags. Let's surprise Midorima!" Takao quickly acted on his plan, preparing everything before starting to pedal towards his friend's home again.

"That was the worst surprise in my life." Midorima interrupt Takao's story, fixing his glasses.

"Oh shut up you. Let me finish my story first. Besides, you like the puppy, don't lie." The shorter boy rolled his eyes, looking back at the Seirin players. "He plays with the puppy all the time but if you ask him, he will never admit it." Takao laughed.

"Well yeah, puppies are cute." Kagami said, not really paying attention while watching the new puppy and Tetsuya get to know each other while playing. In the silence that followed, Kagami looked back, noticing everyone was staring at him. "What?"

"Are you alright Kagami? Didn't you hate dogs?" Teppei asked, laughing.

"There's difference between dogs and puppies." Kagami argued. But there was a wave of 'yeah, right's and 'if you say so's, making it obvious what everyone thought. "Whatever, let Takao finish his story." Kagami grumbled, folding his arms and looking out of a nearby window.

Tetsuya Nigō Drabbles Part 1Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ