Day 24 - Tiresome game

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Kuroko had taught the puppy this trick (he had a lot of free time on his hands obviously). But only a few people knew about it. And Murasakibara was one of them.

(Of course it didn't work out always, just like Kuroko's Mirage shot, but it was enough. Tetsuya wasn't a basketball player after all, just a little puppy.)

Tetsuya was very happy with himself, knowing an award will follow later on. And these boys they were playing against were staring at him, speechless. Yep, he was very good at the game with the orange ball.

The pup ran to the Tree who had bend down to pet it for a job very well done, waving his tail happily.

"Wow." One of the boys breathed out.

"How did you teach him that?" Another boy asked.

Murasakibara looked up, shrugging. "His owner's style of playing is mainly passing. So he thought of this. Number 2 might not look it because of his small size but he's a very clever puppy. A good basketball player, too." The purple-haired boy said with a small smile.

When the game resumed, Tetsuya was guarded by at least one boy at all times. Still, all of the kids were afraid of Murasakibara's passes, he was so strong.

Of course, the puppy's shots didn't always make it to the hoop but with Murasakibara on defense the other team didn't score even one point (the Tree was relentless, no matter the opponent, Tetsuya knew).

But their opponents were too amazed with the little creature running around their legs to care very much for their devastating loss.

Hours later, when everyone had used all of their energy and could hardly walk, the humans decided to go to their respective homes. Tetsuya was very tired too, barely walking up to the bench that Murasakibara had sat on. The boy noticed that and easily picked up the pup, putting him in his hood. He didn't mind bringing him back to Seirin high-school, the animal wasn't that heavy.

And so the purple-haired giant started walking, his movements luring the puppy to sleep in the warmth of the hood.

Tetsuya Nigō Drabbles Part 1Where stories live. Discover now