Day 101 - Following around

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One day, as he was going home, Akashi saw the purple pup. Back at the street where the reddish one and his gang were. Did he run away? Was Murasakibara that bad at watching a puppy?

Akashi decided to follow the puppy around for now, to see what was actually going on. So for the next few hours the boy hid behind corners or crouched behind fences. And got weird looks from the passers-by. Something Akashi wasn't used to but decided to endure.

Of course the reddish puppy noticed him but decided not to show any sign. Let the human have his fun for now.

Finally, after a few hours the purple puppy barked as if saying goodbye and began running. Akashi followed him. And the reddish puppy followed him (much more quietly and stealthily than the human had done).

In the end the puppy actually went back to Murasakibara's house, scratching the door till the boy finally got up and opened it.

"Had fun outside?" The purple-head asked. "Great, I won't have to walk you if you can do it by yourself. And you learn fast... Want some food?" And without waiting for an answer Murasakibara held up a chip. The puppy jumped up and easily caught it, waving his tail.

"Oh, Akashi. What are you doing here?" Suddenly came Murasakibara's voice again.

Akashi actually jumped from the surprise.

"Um... I was only... Why do you let your puppy just walk around the city like that? It's dangerous." Great, and he actually stuttered.

"He seemed to have some urgent job so I let him out." The boy shrugged. Then he turned the bag of chips in his hands over. "Huh, empty.... I'm going for more food now. Bye."

And like that Murasakibara closed the door to his home. Akashi stood there, surprised and for once speechless. Then he heard a weird sound behind him. Turning around he saw the reddish puppy.

Who seemed to be laughing. In his puppy way.

"You too? Seriously?" Akashi rolled his eyes, kneeling down and petting the animal. "Come on, let's go home. They seem fine here."

Unfortunately, for one home was the street, and for the other his big mansion.

Tetsuya Nigō Drabbles Part 1Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα