Day 132 - The Phantom Sixth Man

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"He is not better than you. Just makes it look so."

"How so?" A confused Kagami asked a serious Kuroko.

"When you're in the Zone all your powers are strengthened, right?" The blue-eyed boy asked to which Kagami nodded, wondering what that had to do with anything. "Well, he does the opposite somehow. He steals your power. He is not faster, you just become slower." Kuroko clarified.

"How do we act against this?" Hyuga asked quickly. The final part was about to begin.

"I'll try. Once I steal the ball you can attack. He'll be alone."

"Why? What about his teammates?" Riko asked.

"His power is strong, everyone is under its spell. Even his teammates. That's why he attacks alone." Kuroko clarified. "I haven't been on the field in a while, he won't notice me and I'll try not looking at him. When I steal the ball a few times, he will get agitated and won't be able to regain control. Then we'll attack properly." The boy explained.

Everyone agreed to the plan. Kuroko was back on the field. Izuku saw him but thought nothing of it. For him Kuroko wasn't that good of a player anyway, at least from what he had seen.

But he was missing something. Izuku was a fan of the Generation of Miracles and yet he totally forgot about one player from them. As everyone else did.

He forgot the Phantom Sixth Man.

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