Day 144 - First row

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For Midorima, Kise, Murasakibara and Aomine it was like a repetition of last year. There they were at the same hall, the same court, watching the same two teams fighting for the win. Akashi and Kuroko. Again.

Now though there were more viewers with them. Puppy ones. Yoshi, Senshi, Hissori and Murasakibara's still unnamed puppy.

(Seriously, when would he name the poor animal already? The other guys were actually wondering how was it alive after they had seen with what Murasakibara fed it.)

But where were Tetsuya and Akashi's reddish puppy (that the boy still claimed wasn't his). After a closer inspection of the big hall you could notice them.

Little Tetsuya's ears were showing from Kuroko's bag while a reddish tail was moving side to side from behind Rakuzan's bench. Luckily though everyone was focusing on the court and the players to notice the animals. So they could peacefully watch the match too, supporting their humans.

Both Kuroko and Akashi knew where the animals were. Everyone's support was important today. Of course that included the puppies, too. So they hadn't argued when both animals wanted to enter the hall with them and watch from the first row.

And so the orange ball flew up. Both puppies followed it with their eyes as Kagami and Eikichi jumped for it.

The match had begun.

Tetsuya Nigō Drabbles Part 1Where stories live. Discover now