Day 131 - Power from the Zone

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The Zone. It was a miraculous place, powerful state of mind, a mean to make your dreams come true. It was a deep abyss.

So deep that it could have bad effects too. Apart from taking all of your energy.

Izuku has been in love with basketball since he remembered. But he wasn't always that good. Well, he wasn't good now either. He was just a big fan of the Generation of Miracles.

Back in his school days, when he had heard of Teiko and the prodigy boys playing basketball there, Izuku had been playing basketball for his own school too. But his team wasn't that strong so he hadn't seen the boys he admired personally, he hadn't played against them. His basketball wasn't good.

And so he went on to high school, joining his current team. Back then everyone looked at him weirdly, wondering why he had joined. Izuku really wasn't that good. But then the Winter Cup came around and the now fallen apart Generation of Miracles played against one another.

Izuku had the chance to watch them live since his team had gone to the tournament too. They lost in the first round but still stayed to the end to watch the matches and prepare for next year.

And prepare they did. Especially Izuku.

He too discovered the secrets of the Zone. And later on learned a way that he could bend the rules and use the Zone too, this mighty power.

Where the Zone gave power to the Generation of Miracles and Kagami, gave them power, speed and accuracy, it gave Izuku a mean to cheat.

He didn't really become faster or more accurate with his shots, no. He still had to train a lot, especially his shooting. But when Izuku used his power from the Zone everyone else became slower, more distracted, bad at basketball. And that made him seem like he was all the more better at this game.

But this was a sword with two edges. While the good part was that it worked on everyone, even the audience, his power worked on his teammates too. Which meant if the opponent's team got the ball in game quickly, his team wouldn't be able to defend or steal it. So that's why Izuku always attacked alone. And trained alone.

He was always alone.

Because no one was safe from this power of his.

Until Kuroko saw through it. Seirin was saved just as the third quarter was over. But not everything was lost, even if they were behind in points. Because Kuroko was joining the game again in the next, final quarter.

Tetsuya Nigō Drabbles Part 1Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora