Day 99 - Getting serious

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Everyone was training hard. Even Kise.

He wasn't taking things lightly like last year. No, he knew what his opponents were capable of. He also knew what he could do and what he had to improve.

For now until the end of the tournaments there was no modeling, no girls, no fun. The only down time the boy allowed himself was to train or play with Hissori.

Kasamatsu was surprised, and pleasantly so. He encouraged the younger boy and even stayed later to train with him.

Kise even arranged for Aomine, Momoi and the whole Touou team to come to Kaijo for a practice match. Everyone was excited and nervous for that but it went well with the two aces learning something new and starting to plan tactics how to beat the other.

If those two were so fired, Kasamatsu didn't even want to think about Midorima and Akashi. The monsters were really showing their fangs now, he thought.

Hissori too trained, in his puppy way. He even had a small match with Senshi while their humans were playing. The two pups knew something was coming, even if they hadn't been here last year like Tetsuya had been.

Besides, the boys could almost see their future match and who were they to fight. The schedules and programs were ready.

Less than a month and the battle would begin anew.

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