Day 193 - Falling and scoring

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Aomine's style was unbeatable on the court. Well, until Kagami came around. And then Akashi.... Anyway. It was unbeatable.

Senshi could play like that too. He had his new moves as well. So close combat like that shouldn't have been any problem. Aomine hadn't thought that Akashi would teach his pup to play on two legs though. So this was a problem now. The only problem.

The gap was widening, the reddish pup was in the lead. Both Senshi and his human were trying to think of something to counter this advancement. And then, Senshi got it.

He had to make the other pup lose his balance. No matter how good he was, he was still new to that, had to have some weaknesses. Remembering all the moves he knew, all the tricks and faints, Senshi attacked yet again.

Being as fast as possible, the pup turned around a few times, confusing Akashi's pup and finally making him fall. Unfortunately he fell forward, stepping on all four of his legs. Still, the surprise from the fall was enough to slow him down and give Senshi enough time to score.

Next, Senshi had to make the reddish pup fall backwards. Once he knew how to do that, the game was his. Until the other pup changed his tactic, too.

And so Aomine's pup was back in the game. Once he figured out how to make Akashi's pup fall backwards, that is.


So apparently, the max chapters on Wattpad per story is 200. Guess I'm making a part 2 book...

Tetsuya Nigō Drabbles Part 1Where stories live. Discover now