Thirteen hours.

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I was driving down the highway. I had no particular place in mind, I just wanted to drive and think about everything.

Hearing a engine rev I looked over and by the car I knew who it was already, I looked to the light to see it's still red so I revved my engine and that seemed to start getting people's attention, many took out phones and there we were, the only thing stopping us from going is the red light, I rolled the window down and Tom followed suit.

"Hello little one." I bit my lip at yet another pet name he has for me.

"Mr. Hardy." He licked his lips looking my way with a glint in his eyes.

"Love the pet name darling." His accent came out harder with the word darling, I looked back to the light. 3... 2... 1..

I let him take off just a little faster than me, I mean I know he's gonna win no way in hell my orange Ferrari will beat his five of a kind car. People were cheering for him and I slowed down which made him follow my actions. I got off the highway and when I noticed he was following me I pulled into the parking lot of a restaurant parking my car I got out to see Tom already standing next to my car.

"Nice place." I looked down to my watch.


"Your thirteen hour's start now. I'm hungry." I say and he snickered, taking my hand and leading me inside.

"Table for two. Top deck, I reserved a place." When Tom said that I raised an eyebrow and the woman looked down nodding her head.

"Tommy Hardy?" She asked and he nodded his head. "Right this way." She grabbed two menus and led us to the top, it was mainly empty so we took a seat. "Your waiter will be right with you." She said then walked off.

"How old are you Tommy?" When I asked him that he smiled.

"Not gonna let that go are you?" I shook my head no and he nodded a little. "Lets just say if people were to know my age and your age they wouldn't approve of what I'm gonna do to you later." When he said that my eyes went wide and I took a deep breath looking back down to my menu. "Are you a virgin little one?" I looked back up to him and licked my lips.

"No." He nodded his head.

"That's just fine."


I looked down to my watch to see we were in this restaurant for two hours.

"Eleven hours Tommy." He smiled, nodding his head a little.

"Eleven hours." He repeated and I got out my chair. He took my hand as we walked out the restaurant. "Come with me." He said looking towards his car.

"No lets mee-"

"Little one. Come on." He took my hand and I sucked in a breath slowly walking to his car, I would have been walking slower but he was holding my hand still. After we got into the car and was driving down the road did it hit me.

"How am I gonna get my car back?" I asked looking out the window and holding on as he quickly turned the corner.

"I will send someone to get it when we get back to my place, can I ask you something little one?" He asked me to turn my head to look at him.

"You got me for eleven more hours so I guess so." I said and he smiled.

"I've seen you only a couple times but every time I do see you you're wearing gloves." I licked my lips which made him stop and stare at my lips. "Why do you wear them?" He asked and I smiled looking back out the window.

"Why did you lie about your life earlier?" When I asked that he tensed.


"When I asked if you had any family you said no." I looked at him. "That was a lie, I could just tell in your eyes." He didn't do much, maybe even trying to hide his discomfort.

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