Extra: The reborn Duan Xiaorong

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Extra: The reborn Duan Xiaorong/"Brother, I like you"/Fucked his beautiful wife hard on the night of the wedding


Rainy days in summer.

The raindrops drifted down in patter.

I heard from the old people in the village that old friends will return on rainy days.


Duan Rong had almost forgotten when he stood in front of that small grave. He only remembered that time passed by in a hurry. When a white hair appeared on his head, he realized that he was old, so he closed his eyes. I closed my eyes and planned to see the lover I had been keeping alone for many years.

Otherwise, he will not look good when he gets old.

Gu Yuning is so hard to deceive. If he didn't know him anymore, he would have been tricked for a long time.

Closing his eyes, when Duan Rong woke up again, he found that something was wrong with the environment around him. It was not unfamiliar, on the contrary... it was very familiar to him.

Is it a dream? Or rebirth? Duan Rong didn't understand it for a while. He fumbled for the button phone on his pillow and smiled in disbelief as he watched the time light up on the screen.

came back.

He is back.

What about Gu Yuning? Is he there?

Duan Rong put on his clothes and hurried out of the house. When he realized that he still didn't have the ability to find Gu Yuning alone, he turned around and went home, begging his parents.

Duan Xiaorong is 15 years old this year. He is very naughty but really loves to laugh, so his parents can't resist his coquettishness.

Time flew by.

Nineteen-year-old Gu Yuning was inexplicably entangled with a boy, who followed him all day long and said he wanted to be friends with him. But in fact, this entanglement started a year ago.

They met in the summer. Gu Yuning wanted to go out with Jiang Yexi silently that day, but his parents said that there were guests at home and asked him to wait at home.

So a little tail followed behind him.

"Brother, do you want to eat grapes?"

"Brother, I have learned a lot of fun new games, can we play them together?"

"Brother, can you wait for me?"

"Brother, I, I like you."

Time passed by Duan Rong's words slowly. When Gu Yuning realized that he had been confessed, he was already 21 years old. Many people in his life had been replaced by Duan Rong, and only Duan Rong looked like this every day. Follow him happily and accompany him.


Gu Yuning, who was waiting for Duan Rong to go home after the college entrance examination, was stunned. The weather this year was a bit hot, and the sun was as bright as the boy who smiled and said "I like you".

Duan Rong was wearing a clean white shirt and stood in front of Gu Yuning. As calm as he looked on his face, he felt so turbulent in his heart.

The palms of his hands were sweating. Duan Rong looked at Gu Yuning in front of him and felt like crying inexplicably. He had been waiting for this day for three years, and it seemed like he had been waiting for many, many years.

The young man who had just finished his exam squeezed through the surging crowd and confessed his love to the young man standing under the tree to enjoy the cool air.

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