Extra: The salvation he was praying for finally appeared/rebirth

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Extra: Little Gu Yuning’s life/soft and well-behaved/the salvation he was praying for finally appeared/rebirth


May 2367.

G city.

This was the first time Gu Yuning came to the Shen family. After seeing the huge villa that could only be seen on TV in the orphanage, the first reaction of the thin child who had been marginalized all year round was not happiness, but fear.

Because...he can't keep these things.

After meeting his indifferent adoptive father and his equally indifferent brother, the child with a smile on his face became more convinced of his thoughts.

But Gu Yuning, who is still young, still hopes that she can be liked by others.

So he kept trying to please.

No matter who he meets, he will always smile at them. His fair and lovely face is very heartwarming, but this is the Shen family, everyone is coming and going, and everyone has their own things to do. No one would notice a small child smiling at them.

Even if Gu Yuning is the newly recognized young master.

After all, whether his identity can be maintained is another matter.

Time flies by.

The first day of school.

Gu Yuning was very happy that she could ride in the same car as her brother. Her eyes were round and her eyelashes were long. In addition to curiosity, there was also some timid fear. The car was driving very fast. Lu Suqian, who was sitting in the back seat with Gu Yuning, did not look at the whole process. He glanced at Little Douding beside him.

Extremely indifferent.

Obviously he is only one year older than Gu Yuning.

However, due to his maturity and knowledge since childhood, Lu Suqian looked much older than Gu Yuning, who grew up starving.


The car door opens.

Gu Yuning was led into the school by the housekeeper in a daze, carrying a big schoolbag on his back. The little boy had gained a lot of weight during this period, but he was still very thin.

His class is next door to Lu Suqian.

There are a total of twenty people in the class, and each of them represents countless wealth and power, but none of them are as rich as the Shen family.

After stumbling to introduce himself, Ruanbai tried his best to pretend to be a cold kid and was arranged to sit in the front row by the teacher. He had no deskmates or friends, so he sat there alone, a little scared, but tried very hard to restrain himself. With.

Tears appeared slightly, and they were blinked away obediently.

Gu Yuning was very afraid of strangers. This was a subconscious reaction to being bullied and ostracized in the orphanage. In this school where everyone was more mature than him, these things meant that he was not on the stage and also represented weakness and could be bullied.

The bell rings every day.

Confused, he was pushed to the ground by someone.

The clean white shorts on her body were stained with dust, and a harsh child's voice appeared in her ears, "Are you an orphan?"

"I heard from dad that you were a disgusting thing that crawled out of the garbage. Is that true? Gu Yuning."

"By the way, why isn't your surname Shen? Are you not from the Shen family?"

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