Tony Neese

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“Ah man i think i pulled something yesterday at the gym.” Tony groans as a twinge of pain shoots through his right shoulder. Drew looks up from his phone at tony nursing the red shoulder.

“Dude go see y/n, she's a wizard with that stuff.” He tells Tony, Tony just looks at him confused. “You dont know who y/n is do you?” Drew asks.

“No.” Tony shakes his head. “Who is she?”

“She’s one of the trainers at the center, she’s a god at massage.” Drew explains. “Remember when i had that really bad strain on my hamstring?” He asks Tony recalling the injury. “She’s the one who helped me get over it so fast, she’s super good at fixing strained and hurt muscles.”

“Yeah?” Tony replies nodding his head. “Maybe i’ll go see her then, you’re going to the center anyway right?” He asks Drew.

“Yeah, i said id go by and help out some fresh faces for the day.” Drew nods. Him and tony gather their things and head out to the center.

When they get their Drew points to a h/c girl talking to one of the trainers.

“There she is, come on i'll introduce you.” He calls Tony as he begins walking over to her.

You stand talking to one of the trainers at the center when you see Drew Gulak walking your way with a very handsome friend.

“Drew.” You smile as he gets to you. “Nice to see you man, whos this?” You ask as you hug him.

“It's good to see you to y/n, this is my friend Tony. He's got a shoulder problem we were hoping you could fix.” Drew tells you.

"Shoulder problem huh?" You look at Tony. "Follow me and we'll see what I can do for you." You tell him as you gesture for him to follow you.

Tony follows you back to a small office with a stool and a exam table in it, you have him take a seat and take his shirt off.

"Alright let's see it." You tell him. Tony pulls his shirt over his head and sets it next round him, the first thing you notice is his right shoulder looks a bit red. "Right shoulder?" You ask to confirm.

"Yeah it's really been bothering me the last day or two." He nods.

You nod and run a hand along the muscle line, it feels a bit tender. Next you press down in a few different places testing where the pain is coming from, when Tony flinches on a muscle line you stop.

"Sorry." You tell him as you move back in front of him. "Well it's not torn or anything like that, just a bit strained. I can work it back to full strength in oh I don't know an hour?" You tell him with a smile.

"Really an hour?" Tony replies.

"Yeah, it's no problem. And the first visit is free." You add. "So do you wanna begin?" You ask him.

"Yeah I don't see why not." Tony shrugs immediately regretting the decision.

"Yeah just relax and make sure not to tense any part of your upper body." You tell him as you move behind him again.

Tony sits still and watches as you disappear behind him, sure this wasn't how he'd picture getting a massage from a beautiful woman like yourself, but he needed his shoulder to be alright. He flinched a little at first as your cool hands massaged the muscle line of his shoulder blade, but he soon eased into it.

"Man what did you do to this thing?" You ask a bit into the massage.

"Must have pulled it benching." Tony replies as he stares down at the white floor.

"Benching?" You reply curious. "How much can you bench?" You ask him.

"300." He replies. "That's my record anyway." He grins happily.

"300?" You reply impressed. "No wonder you sprained your shoulder, your benching almost your weight and a half."

"Huh yeah I guess, maybe I'll have to tone it down a bit." Tony replies as his gaze moves to your stool.

"Huh yeah, well im almost done here. There's just this one knot that I can't get out, mind if I hop up there." You ask him stopping what you're doing.

"Yeah sure whatever you need." Tony nods. You hop up behind him on the table and rest on your knees, with the new position you're able to work out the last knot in his back muscles.

"Well there you are." You hop to the floor and wash your hand in a small sink.

"Thanks." Tony replies rolling his shoulders. "Wow that's much better, your boyfriend must be a lucky man."

"Ha." You chuckle. "Yeah if I had one." You reply.

Tony stops and looks at you, you do the same wondering why he stopped.

"You don't have a boyfriend?" He asks, you shake your head. "How? Wait now I feel bad for not paying you." He tells you.

"Ah that's fine man." You wave it off.

"No." He replies softly. "Let me take you out for lunch then, as a thanks." He tells you.

"Oh you don't have to do that." You reply.

"No I want to, please you should get a reward for working magic on my shoulder." He urges you.

You stand and think about it, he is one of the cuter men you'd seen come through your office. And he seemed like a nice guy, finally you nodded.

"Alright, but just lunch." You tell him.

"Awesome, let me go tell Drew I'm ditching him." He tells you as he takes off running.

You giggle and grab your jacket from your office chair and walk out to wait for him, you spot him across the room with an excited smile on his face.

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