Pete Dunne

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"Woah woah woah." Ethan stops Regal from continuing his tour of the NXT facility when he spots a gorgeous h/c girl dusting off a camera lense. "Just wait here for a minute Regal." He tells the older male before sliding the girls way.

You stand and dust off your camera lense before you head off to do a few photo shoots for the day, you can hear footsteps behind you but choose to ignore them since your in the hall and people to tend to walk through them. You throw your headphones in and sling your camera around your neck and walk off completely ignoring the male that walks your way with a grin on his face.

Ethan stops when the girl he was just about to talk to walks right past him with not so much as a smile or glance at the hot male in front of her, Regal walks up and clasps a hand on the newcomers back followed by a hearty chuckle.

"Yeah i'd forget about her Ethan, she's got a man already." He tells Ethan.

"Does she now?" Ethan replies as he watches the girl walk off thoroughly enjoying the view. "Whats her name anyway?" He asks as he turns to William.

"That's y/n Lopez." Regal nods his head. "She's our lead photographer her on NXT." He informs Ethan.

"Y/n Lopez huh?" Ethan repeats to himself before Regal drags him off for more of the tour.

You get to the photo room and pull out your headphones and set them down on a table as well as your phone and camera. Once you've emptied your pockets you pick up your clipboard and read the names on the list, just two for the day. One Aleister Black, you worked with him before and he was pleasant. And last one Ethan Carter III, that one you haven't seen before. None the less you pick your camera back up and look through the lense only to catch someone posing in the doorway.

"I look any good?" Pete asks as he leans on the doorframe of the photo room. He had some free time before the show and decided to take up the chance to visit his girlfriend.

"In this lighting?" You ask as you drop the camera back to your chest. "Not a chance." You giggle jokingly knowing very well Pete had the magical complexion that made him look good in almost any lighting. "What are you doing in here babe?" You ask him.

"I came to see what you were doing love, i've got some free time before the show." He smiles at you as he steps from the door into the room.

You roll your eyes, you'd just spent like at least 5 hours with pete in a plane not a day ago. None the less you had to admit you were always happy to see the gorgeous brit the adored you almost to much, key word being almost.

"We just spent like 5 hours on a plane." You remind him as you pull a lense from a small cart. "Don't you ever get tired of me?" You ask Pete who shakes his head no.

"You? Never." He grins at you. "But as i can see you're busy i'll go, and see you later tonight right?" He asks you as he leans on your table.

"Yes." You reply as you shoo him off the table. "Now get, you've not been here 5 minutes and you've already smudged these." You grumpily scold him.

"Fine fine im out, but first a kiss." He pecks your cheek before he leaves.

You blush a little, something you could never help ever since you were little. Once he's gone you grab a cloth and clean the lense when a knock comes at the door, you sigh and walk over to the door and open it to see a tall tan and fucking hot guy smirking down at you.

"You must be Ethan." You smile friendly up at him as you take a step back.

"That would be me babe, what's your name?" Ethan asks as he strolls into the room.

"y/n Lopez." You tell him with a smile as you close the door behind you. "I'll be doing your photo shoot for the pay per view in a few days." You explain as you walk back over to your camera table.

"Great." Ethan smirks as he looks as you bending over the table to grab a special lense for your camera. "Wow from the looks of you i should be the one taking photos." He purrs at you.

You blush a little, being a photographer you got that line a lot from guys. Granted none of them had been this good looking, but you chose to ignore it since you already had Pete.

"Ah thanks." You nod as you stand back up straight with you camera in hand. "You can change into ring gear first so we can get that part of the shoot out of the way right over there." You gesture to another door in the back of the room.

Ethan nods and takes his things with him, you take the time to set up some lights. The first thing you noticed about Ethan when he came in was that he had really tan skin. This meant that you were going to need a few lights to really bring out the tone in his muscles, without the light they just fade into his caramel skin.

When Ethan walks back out to the photo room he fully expects you to just fall head over heels right then or there, or at least for you to stop and stare. But much to his disappointment you just glaze over his perfect physique and nod.

"Perfect." You smile as your eyes glaze over Ethan in his ring attire. "Just add some of this to your abbs for contrast and a little glow." You toss him some baby oil before you adjust one more light.

"Alright." Ethan nods as he pops open the bottle. Still a little phased that you didn't even flinch at any of his attempts to knock you off your feet he does as he's told.

"Okay then let's get started." You grin as you gesture Ethan to take his place on the white layout.

After a few shots you take a break for a bit, you find the need to fix the lighting every shot finding it hard to get Ethans skin right.

"You know what just give me a minute." You smile at Ethan. You grab your phone and unlock it then smile to yourself, Pete had changed the background again when you weren't paying attention.

Pete smiles up at your from the phone, even though it's just a photo you can't help but smile before you text a friend.

"Okay im back." You turn your attention back to Ethan. "Sorry about that, it's just your skin is so caramel kissed as we say it, i need to call a girl to help me with the lights." You explain to him.

Ethan smirks taking this as another chance to strike, he's about to flirt some more when the door swings open and Pete walks through.

"There she is." He smiled widely at you. "I brought you some food, and a gatorade." He holds up the items for you to see.

"Ah thanks babe." You take the treats and kiss his lips gently. "Oh and i might be a little late to the hotel tonight." You tell him.

"Yeah?" Pete replies. "What for?" He asks you.

"Ethan here has some difficult skin to photograph." You gesture to the half naked man standing feet from you with a grin on his face.

"Oh." Pete shrugs. "Mkay, but i'll miss your company." He tells you as he kisses your lips one more time before taking his leave.

You go back to work after Pete leaves, having given up on you Ethan decides to ask some questions.

"That your boyfriend?" He asks you.

"Mhm." You reply. "Oh hey and there's Lucy." You turn to see a cute blonde girl walk through the door.

Ethan also smirks, this one he knows that he can catch with no issues.

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