Mustafa Ali

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"Come on Cedric you got this." You cheer your best friend since college on as he battles it out in the ring with a good friend of his.

All of a sudden the bell rings and you jump in place and slide in the ring to his side, he won.

"You did it." You squeal as you hold his hand up in victory.

As his hand is held you came help but glance over at the man he beat, Mustafa Ali. He looked sad, but wore a fake smile for Cedric. You felt bad for him, this probably had to be the worst year of his life, his wife left him and took his baby girl with her a few months prior.

You and Cedric walk backstage where Drake wants to talk to him, Mustafa just walks past them all sulking. A gut feeling in your stomach tells you to follow him.

"Hey Cedric, I'll see you later. You have fun celebrating." You Pat his back before you walk off.

With Cedric busy you make your way to the locker rooms and stop at Ali's. You knock softly and wait, no answer.

"Hey Mustafa." You call loud enough for him to hear. Still silence. With a deep breath you open the door. "Mustafa?" You ask as you walk into the room.

The man in question sits in a chair looking miserable, bruises litter his usually bright face and you recognize tears streaked across his face.

"Oh sweetie." You muse. It kind of broke you in a way to see him like this, he was always so happy and bright. "Sweetie don't cry." Your voice almost cracks as you walk over to him.

Mustafa does not protest when you pull him into a soft hug, in fact you feel tears hit your skin again.

"Why does everyone hate me y/n." Mustafa sobs barely audible.

"What? No." You reply. "No one hates you." You assure him rubbing his back as he sobs.

"Jenna does." He breathes bringing up his ex wife's name. "She hates me, she's making Katie hate me." Your heart breaks for him.

He didn't get to see his daughter Jenna got custody of her, Jenna and him had divorced out of mutual feeling in November.

"Hey it's okay, Katie won't hate you. You're her daddy." You soothe him.

Not thinking of anything else to say you stay silent for a while, you always did like Mustafa. Who wouldn't. He was talented and funny, and a good man. Not to mention he was a gorgeous man.

"Y/n." Mustafa all of a sudden raises his head to look at you, he looks a little better. "Thank you." He tells you.

"No problem Mustafa." You smile and nod. "I better get back to Cedric for now, but hey anytime you wanna talk to just need some company text me okay?" You tell him.

"Yeah, I will. Promise." Mustafa nods as he hugs you one last time.

You hug him back then go find Cedric dialing down his victory now casually talking with TJ Perkins.

"Hey." You wave to TJ as you slide next to Cedric.

"There you are." Cedric turns to you. "Ali alright?" He asks you a little concerned.

"Yeah." You nod. "He's just going through some stuff is all." You tell him.

Cedric nods and goes back to talking with TJ, after that you both head back to the hotel for a little while before Cedric umtamiltelt goes out to celebrate.

Mustafa sits alone on his bed, he still felt sad. Better than before, but still seeking something to take his mind off everything. He fingers his phone in his hand, he could call you. No, that would be rude, ruin your night like that.

Mustafa was surprised when you came to see him, you of all people cared about how he felt. That made sense, you did have a bad breakup with some impact star a few years back, you knew what it felt like better than anyone did.  In a way Mustafa liked you.

You sit on your bed sifting through clothes that aren't dirty, you really don't wanna go to this party Cedric is dragging you to. But you don't have anything else to do, then like a beacon of hope your phone buzzes.

"Hello?" You answer sweetly.

"Hey y/n." Mustafa speaks into the phone.

"Oh hey Mustafa, what's up?" You ask a smile cracking on your face.

"I was just wondering if maybe wanna hang out, maybe get dinner?" He asks instantly ready for rejection.

"Yeah i'd love to." You beam to yourself. "Meet me in the lobby in an hour okay?" You tell him.

"Yeah sure." Mustafa replies. He came believe you said yes.

You hang up the phone and immediately tell Cedric you've got other plans for the night, he sighs but let's you go any way. You are happy to keep pants and a tank top on rather than a dress and head down to the lobby after struggling to find your shoes and brushing your hair.

Mustafa stands in the lobby a little nervous, you where late. Maybe you stood him up? He was about to leave when he caught your form stepping out of the elevator.

"Sorry I'm late." You grin as you reach Mustafa's side. "I couldn't find my shoes." You explain.

"No problem." Mustafa nods as he starts walking to the door. "You look pretty by the way." He smiles.

"Thanks." You nod. "You look nice to." You look over his nice pair of jeans and slightly tight shirt.

"Thanks." He nods.

You both decide on Indian food, since there's a restaurant close to the hotel so you can walk.

By the time the night ended Mustafa felt like a new man, you were funny and polite the whole night. For the first time in a while he felt free again.

"Well I had a blast." You muse as you come to your hotel room. "Thanks for inviting me out." You smile.

"Yeah no problem. I had a great time to." Mustafa nods. "We should do this again soon." He suggests.

"Yeah we should." You nod and lean in to plant a kiss on Mustafa's cheek. "Night." With that you slip in your room.

Mustafa heads back to his room happier than he'd been in a very long time, Jenna never even crossed is mind for the rest of the week.

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