Tye Dillinger

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"I'm sorry okay." You raise your voice a little trying your best to get Joe to stop yelling.

"Don't raise your voice to me." Joe yells back. "You cost me a match." You flinch a little at his words.

"I was just trying to help." You squeak back.

Joe huffs, sure he wasn't about to hit you. But that didn't mean he wasn't about to yell and curse you out.

"Well take a good look sweetheart, did you help at all?" Joe yells.

You stand and take it, eventually Joe gets tired of yelling and storms off. You linger in the hall for a second and compose yourself.

"Hey are you okay?" Someone all of a sudden asks you.

You look up from the ground to see Tye Dillinger looking at you. You try to put on a smile and nod your head.

"Yeah I'm fine, just a little tired is all." You hope the cute man in front of you won't pry anymore.

"Alright." Tye nods. "Hope you have a good rest of your day then." He grins at you.

You nod and watch him leave.

Tye walks off with a nagging suspicion that you were lying. From what he say, it almost seemed like someone had hit you. And damn him if someone was hitting on a girl, especially someone as sweet as you.

"Out of my way Dillinger." Joe all of a sudden storms past and pushes Tye.

Tye hits the wall and watches as Joe stomps off your way. Then it hits him, you were stuck as Joe's assistant.

"Y/n." Your head snaps to the sound of your name. "Why aren't you following me?" Joe asks you in a firm tone.

"Sorry." You quickly reply and almost sprint to Joe's side.

Joe nods his angry little head and goes back down the hallway with you on his tail. You pass by Tye again and smile at him a little as Joe barrels past him. Tye smiles back at you as you pass him right behind Joe.

The next night you once again stand in the hallway and let Joe yell at you for him losing a match against AJ. Down the hall Tye is making his way to the locker room when he hears Joe again.

"Why do you have to be such an idiot?" Joe yells at you.

You are about to reply when you see Tye walking up to Joe. You hope to God that he doesn't say anything.

"Hey Joe." Tye speaks up. "Leave her alone." Joe's head snaps to the side as he pushes you back.

"Mind your own business Dillinger." Joe snaps. "She's my assistant and i'll yell at her if I want." He turns back to you for a second.

"It's not her fault you keep losing meathead." Tye snaps back. "She's not the problem." Tye takes a step to Joe.

"What did I just say little man?" Joe replies. "Stay out of this." He warns again.

"And if I don't?" Tye replies. "You gonna kick my ass?" He asks. "I'd like to see you try." You swallow hard and look at Tye who stares down Joe.

Thankfully Shane happens to come by and breaks up the fight that's about to go down. You stand by Shane as he looks to you for an explanation.

"What is going on?" He asks you.

"Nothing." You reply afraid to tell Shane the truth.

"Big bad Joe here is cussing out y/n in the hall for no reason." Tye cuts in.

Shane looks down at you then to Joe.

"All of you calm down, Joe you and Tye will settle this in the ring." He tells you.

You nod and step back to Joe who drags you off before Tye can say anything else.

Now you stand in the ring and watch as Joe makes Tye pay for getting involved. You stand and watch as the ref calls for the bell and Joe keeps his hold on Tye.

"Joe come on." You urge him to leave poor Tye alone.

Joe smirks and let's Tye fall to the matt, you shudder a little as Joe steps out of the ring and drags you off. You look back and mouth a sorry as Tye manages to look at you.

The next week you once again stand in the ring as Joe Demolishes another poor soul. He manages to get a win, but as he's ready to leave Tye comes out to the ring. You shudder not wanting to see him get hurt again and rush up the ramp.

"What are you doing?" You ask him as you stop him from getting to Joe.

"I'm trying to help." Tye replies. "He has no right to yell at you and treat you the way he does." You look up at Tye who now holds your arm.

"I.......i'm fine. I need this job Tye." You stutter a bit.

"Come work for me then." Tye all of a sudden suggests. "I'll talk to Shane, just please i can't sit by and watch him yell at you again." You look back just as Joe catches your eye.

"Y/n what the hell?" He yells at you.

You look at Joe then back at Tye. He pushes you to the side gently and runs up the ramp to Joe. You run down to the ring and go to jump in, unfortunately a ref grabs you so you don't get hurt. Eventually Joe leaves Tye in a heap and walks past you.

"Go help your boyfriend princess, because you're fired." He sneers.

You jump in the ring and get down to the floor with Tye.

"You alright?" Tye asks you as he tries to get to his feet.

You help him up and out of the ring.

"I'm fine, you on the other hand." You can't help but giggle a little. "Thank you." You can't help but hug Tye.

"Ouch." Tye groans a little. "Can we save the hugs for later?" He asks you warmly. "At least until I don't feel like garbage." You giggle and nod your head.

"Sure thing boss." You help Tye back to the locker room

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