Drew Gulak

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You showed up to the set of 205 a little early, you were there to meet the person that WWE's writes had paired you with for the Mix Match challenge since both Charlotte Flair and her partner AJ Styles were out on injury. Apparently Drake Maverick had made his case to give his show a little PR by being in the Mix Match Challenge.

"Drake?" You knock on the GM's office door. "It's Y/N from SmackDown Live." You announce and wait for a response.

"Ah Y/N, yes thanks for coming." The door swings open and you are greeted by Drake.

He moves out of the way and lets you into his office, you take a seat in a single chair in the room as Drake sits behind his desk.

"Again i'd like to thank you to agreeing to tag with one of my superstars." He tells you. "I had a talk with the writers and we think that we've found a partner that will make a good show for the challenge and also give both SmackDown and 205 some good PR.

"Alright." You nod. "I'm happy to see who you've got for me Drake." Drake smiles at this and looks at his watch.

"He should be here any moment now." He nods his head and glances at the door.

You nod and adjust the jacket hanging loosely on your shoulders, you didn't have anywhere to be besides maybe the gym, so you didn't mind waiting for a while.

Finally after a few minutes of awkward silence a knock finally comes from the other side of the door. Drake pops to his feet and goes to open it.

"Ah Drew, glad you could make it. Please come meet your new Mix Match Challenge partner." He grins and show's your new partner in the door.

You didn't watch much 205 Live so you didn't know who the man now looking you over with furrowed brows was. Sure you'd seen a few men in the halls from 205 that you knew, like Mark Andrew's and Hideo Itami. But this guy? You had no clue who he was.

"Drew this is Y/N L/N, from SmackDown Live." Drake gestures to you. "Y/N, this is Drew Gulak." You nod and hold out a hand for a handshake.

"Nice to meet you Drew." You greet him with a smile.

You can tell by the look Drew has on his face that he's a little unsure of you. You try and brush that off as best you can and remain friendly.

"Yeah nice to meet you." Drew nods. "I'm sorry, i don't mean to be rude or anything." He shakes his head and looks at you again. "But how old are you?" He asks.

The look that dawns on Drake's face makes you giggle a little, you put a hand up before Drake chews his talent out and grin.

"It's okay Drake." You assure him. "You'd be surprised how often i get asked that question. I'm 27, will be 28 in about a month." You answer Drew's question with ease.

The tense muscles in Drew's face relax a little at your answer, you nod knowing why he was so on edge before.

"I look much younger then i am huh?" You ask him with a grin. "No one wants a young gun that doesn't know what they're doing as a partner after all." Drew nods his head glad that you aren't mad at him.

"Yeah 28 was way off my guess." Drew chuckles and rubs the back of his neck. "I was shooting in the 22-23 range." He admits.

"Well that's flattering." You grin. "I'll take that as a compliment." Drew grins and nods his head.

Drake relaxes now that the room has lost it's tense atmosphere, he wears a smile seeing that the two of you get along well enough so far.

"Well it looks like you two will get along just fine, i'll leave you two alone then. Oh and Drew don't forget you have a match tonight." He reminds Drew before he lets the two of you go.

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