Seth Rollins

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You stand backstage in sweaty ring gear, having lasted from entering the woman's rumble match at number 10 and being one of the three people left in the ring it was safe to say you were tired. But besides that fact you were standing right next to Seth as he waited for his number to show, which also happened to be 10.

"You got this babe." You pat his back with a smile as Seth looks at the entrance to the ramp.

"I know." Seth nods his head as he glances your way. "And hey, you killed it out there baby." He compliments you on your own rumble performance.

"Yeah, i'll have to get Becky back for the elimination, but hey." You turn the focus back to your boyfriend. "Let's focus on you, and you winning this thing." Seth nods his head as the crowd outside starts the countdown. "Go get em babe." You give Seth a small push as he heads out to the ring.

Not having anywhere to go you stick around to watch for a little bit and see how Seth faired for a little bit. Sure you were in desperate need of a shower, but the shower wasn't going to go anywhere in the next 10 or 15 minutes.

You watch as Seth puts on a good show with a number of different men, Drew Mcintyre and Andrade worry you a little bit. But Seth ends up being alright. You're just about to take your leave back to the locker rooms when Bobby Lashley walks in with Lio Rush at his side.

"Well look who it is." Lio is the first one to speak as he walks over to you. "What is a loser like you doing out here?" He asks you with a cocky grin.

"Just waiting to see Bobby get dropped from the ring in record time is all." You reply as you look down at Lio next to you. "And what about you Lio, not good enough to even make it into the rumble i see." You grin when you notice that this ticks Lio off a little.

"Yeah we'll see about that, when Bobby here drops your boyfriend." Lio sneers at you as the crowd begins the countdown again.

"Mhm." You nod with a grin and turn back to the tv monitor on the wall.

Lio walks back over to Bobby and the pair head out to the ring when the countdown reaches zero. You watch as they walk down to the ring and Bobby immediately runs into Drew. You happily watch for a bit then go to head off when all of a sudden Bobby slips out of the ring and yanks Seth through the bottom rope by the foot.

"What the hell?" You ask aloud as Bobby man handles your injured boyfriend and throws him down hard into one of the announce tables.

You are through the curtain and down to the ring in a second, you can hear the commentary people asking about you, and the crowd cheering you all around you. You round the corner hard and come to Seth laying flat on the floor, out cold. Then you see Bobby walk your way.

"I'd get the hell out of here if i were you." You stand to your feet and size up Bobby. "Unless you and Lio wanna get your ass's kicked by a very pissed off woman." You growl at the both of them.

Being the smarter man, Lio takes a few steps back. Bobby on the other hand, stands his ground. That is until he's taken out by one Mustafa Ali via a jump from the ring. You promise yourself to thank Ali later and turn back to Seth.

"Is he okay?" You ask the medical guy now leaning over your boyfriend.

"Yes, just severely fatigued." The medic replies as he stands to his feet.

"Come on, you got this babe." You cheer on Seth to give him a confidence boost before you head backstage again.

You knew that staying out near the ring would only distract Seth when he eventually got back up, so you grin at Bobby and Lio as the two of them sulk up the ring from being eliminated. They don't say a word when you pass them.

Actually interested in what was going on now, you linger backstage to see how the rumble came to an end. Man by man the odds look better for Seth. The tally finally comes down to Seth, Braun and Dolph Ziggler. You cheer when Dolph gets sent over the rope and onto his ass, leaving Seth and Braun.

"Come on babe!" You cheer in place as Seth uses his speed to keep some distance between him and Braun. "Yes!" You cheer again as Seth delivers a stomp and sends Braun to the floor.

The bell rings and the crowd cheers in a defining manner, you wear a huge smile and wait for Seth to make his way backstage after he celebrates with the crowd for a few minutes. As soon as he steps backstage you are at his side and in his arms in a second.\

"You did it!" You cheer as you engulf Seth in a hug. "I knew that you would do it babe." You celebrate with him.

"Haha." Seth chuckles that chuckle that you love. "Yeah i guess that Lesnar better watch out." He hugs you to his side. "We'll be coming for him, and i'm sure that Rhonda Rousey don't want to be messing with you anytime soon." He looks at you wearing a huge smile.

"Are you suggesting that we both get ourselves some gold and headline Wrestlemania?" You ask Seth with a determined grin.

"WWE's best power couple?" Seth asks with a raised brow.

"WWE's best power couple." You nod your head and kiss Seth's cheek.

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