Tama Tonga

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You stood next to the clothes rack and aimlessly picked through the many options of bikinis in front of you. You were planning a small beach getaway for you and your boyfriend in a few days and you needed a new swimsuit.

"Red?" You ask yourself aloud as your hands smooth over a sleek red one. "Or maybe blue?" Your eyes also catch a pretty seafoam blue one next to it.

"You'll look sexy as hell with any one them." All of a sudden someone leans down and whispers in your ear, making you jump.

"Tama." You complain as you look back at the much larger male now standing next to you with a grin on his face. "You scared me." You glare up at him.

"Sorry honey." Tama apologizes quickly with a shrug of his shoulders. "You look cute when you're scared." He grins.

You roll your eyes and continue to look through the many colored swimsuits, you had be pick on eventually. After a while of looking you decide on the seafoam green on that you saw earlier, since it went well with your pale skin.

"Now where did he go?" You look around for your boyfriend in the store to find him gone.

You pay for your item and then head out into the main part of the mall you were shopping at, you scan the area for a tall hunk of man that you called your boyfriend. You find him waiting in line at a small smoothie stand and head over to him.

"Finally decide on one i see." Tama teases you when you get over to him.

"I did." You nod. "Get me a mixed berry one, and i'll go find us a table." You then head off and take a seat at one of the only empty tables left in the vicinity.

You set your bag down and pull out your list of things to get for the beach trip that you brought with you. The swimsuit was the first thing on the list so you mentally cross it off. The next thing to get on the list was a few specific beach and warm weather fitted outfits. Most of your wardrobe back home consisted of heavy jackets and other stuff that the beach wouldn't suit.

"Here you are gorgeous." Tama comes sauntering up to you with two smoothies a smirk on his face.

"Thank you babe." You take your smoothie from him as he sits down next to you.

"So what's next on your little shopping list?" He asks as he takes a sip from his smoothie and looks over at you.

You can't help but grin at how cute and innocent this man looks as he sips from a bright pink straw and looks at you.

"We both need some clothes suited for the beach." You start off with the next thing on the list. "And i need to swing by the jewelers and see if they got my necklace fixed yet." You remember that you'd dropped the necklace off around a week ago to get fixed.

The necklace was a gift from your grandmother before she passed, you always had it on no matter what. Tama had accidently snapped the chain while in a frenzy to get your shirt up over your head one late night at home.

"Oh yeah, sorry again about that. I know how much it means to you." Tama apologizes with a cute but sorry look on his face.

"It's fine sweetie." You pat Tama's arm gently. "You didn't mean to, and i don't really think i cared really at the time." You take a sip from the smoothie with a smile, recalling what the two of you had been up to at the time.

You and Tama finish off your smoothies then you head off to one of your favorite stores to get some summer clothes for your trip. Tama on the other hand, goes to see if your necklace is done for you.

You brose the racks and come up on some cute items, a halter top that you knew Tama will appreciate as well as some tight fitting jean shorts to go with it. You also find another top or two that you think are cute and can also be added to your normal wardrobe after the trip.

After gathering a few items you find yourself drifting into the lingerie section, Tama had a bad habit of tearing yours to pieces, not that you minded it. But it always did put you in the market for new sets when you had the time to pick them out.

"Ooo." Your eyes fall on a particular lace set that hangs on a mannequin.

Black with lace in a pattern that was all so appealing to you, something that was sure to impress the person that got to see you wear it. You lean down and pick up one of the delicate sets and feel the material. Sure it wasn't Tama proof, but you were beginning to realize no clothes of yours was.

"Yes." You grin to yourself when you see they one set in your size is left and scoop it up.

"Oh no honey." You hear a sultry voice behind you. "That won't be lasting long, i can guarantee you that." You turn around with a grin to see Tama looking at you, and your little surprise.

"That's all part of the fun." You smirk and walk past him to the counter with your items.

You hear Tama chuckle behind you as he follows you over to the counter to pay. You get your items paid for and then head out of the store.

"Hey, was my necklace done?" You turn to Tama when the both of you are walking back to the parking lot.

"Yes mam." Tama nods his head and reaches into his pocket. "And i had them give you a stronger chain, so i can as rough as i want next time." He smirks that stupid grin you love so much.

"Haha." You shake your head "I'll keep that in mind." You stop walking and let Tama slip the necklace on for you.

"Now why don't we go try out that lingerie?" He whispers in your ear as he fastens the clasp.

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