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"Come on Candace." You plead to your favorite little sister with wide eyes. "All i'm asking is you to introduce the two of us, that's all." You try and make your case the best that you can.

"Ugh, fine." Candace finally gives in with a roll of her eyes. "But don't come crying to me when this doesn't pan out." She warns you.

That was the day that you met Ricochet, now your boyfriend of almost two years. You'd pestered Candace about introducing you to her husband's very attractive friend since you learned who he was. Sure it took some time, but she finally gave in and introduced the two of you at a party she was throwing for Johnny's birthday.

"Yeah, not interested Adam." You blow the leader of Undisputed Era off again, for what seemed like the millionth time that day.

"Oh come on Y/N." Adam grins that million dollar smile and winks at you. "We both know you can do so much better than ol Ricochet." He steps a little closer to you.

"She said she wasn't interested Adam." You calm a little when you hear that soothing voice and feel a hand on your arm.

You look to your side to see Ricochet glaring at Adam, his hand now gently grasping your own arm for support. Adam scoffs and walks away, but not before giving you another small wink. You roll your eyes and watch to make sure that he leaves.

"Thanks babe." You then turn to your boyfriend with a relieved smile.

"No problem sweety." Ricochet nods his head. "He's really getting to be a problem isn't he?" He gently runs his hand down your arm in a loving gesture.

"Eh." You shrug. "Sure he's annoying, but it's not like he's showing up to my hotel in the middle of the night with flowers or anything." For you it wasn't hard to ignore Adam's advances, you knew that Ricochet was the one for you.

"Yeah." Ricochet nods his head. "I've got a match, but i'll see you when works over okay?" He leans over and presses a sweet kiss to your temple, making you crack a grin.

You go ahead and head back to the locker rooms for the remainder of the NXT taping, when you get there you find Candace looking for you.

"Heard you were looking for me sis." You walk over to her and take a seat down on the bench she's sitting on.

"There you are." Candace brightly grins at you. "I wanted to ask a favour of you." She explains.

"Okay." You nod, happy to help your sister out. "What's the issue?" You ask her.

"Well, see Johnny wants to do a mixed tag thing with me and Ciampa." She explains. "But we need one more girl, to tag with Ciampa you see, and i was hoping that you could maybe help me out and tag with him?" She asks you, a hopeful look on her face.

"Tag with Ciampa?" You reply, the idea turning in your head.

Before you met Ricochet you had a brief stint with Tomasso, neither of you was looking for a relationship. It was just a fling that ended around a month before you met Ricochet, but there was still history there.

"I don't know sis." You rub the back of your neck. "Is that a good idea?" You ask curiously. "I mean we've got history, and you know how forward Ciampa can be." You recall the man's personality in vivid detail.

"I know i know." Candace sighs. "But we really need this match, and i don't know who else to ask." She sighs.

You sigh yourself and think it over for a second, you wanted to help your sister out in any way you could.

"I'll see what Ricochet thinks about it okay, if he's not worried then i'll help you out sis." You tell her, giving into her cute charm.

"Yay." She grins and hugs you. "Thanks." You pat her on the back and nod.

You roll your eyes playfully at her and pack your gym bag up to get ready to head back to the hotel when the taping finishes. Once your bag is packed you go ahead and head back to the hotel a little bit early.

You are at the hotel for a little bit alone before Ricochet finally gets back. You greet him with a smile when he enters the room since you're busy on your laptop.

"You win your match?" You ask him curiously as you glance up from the computer.

"I did." Ricochet beams at you.

"Nice babe." You grin at him. "Hey I was talking to Candace earlier today, and she asked me something." You try and lightly bring up the subject.

"Oh yeah" Ricochet settles down in the chair next to you with a beer from the mini fridge in his hand. "What she have to say?" He asks you curiously.

"Well she asked me something, and i wanted to get your opinion on it before i decided if i wanted to help her or not." You explain. "Her and Johnny want to do a mixed tag thing with them and Tomasso, but they need a girl to tag with him." You look at your boyfriend to gauge a reaction so far.

"So she wants you to tag with Ciampa." He finishes the story for you.

"Yeah." You nod and study Ricochets face. "So what do you think?" You ask him. "I won't do it if you don't want me to." You make sure to get the point across.

Ricochet sighs and takes a drink from his beer, he doesn't seem angry so you take that as a good sign. He sets his drink down then looks at you.

"I say do it." He tells you. "I trust you fully that you aren't interested in Ciampa anymore." He explains. "And i know for a fact that my girl can handle herself if he decides to make a move." He grins at you.

"That is true." You grin. "You know sometimes i forget just how mature you are." You shake your head.

"I know." Ricochet gets up from his seat and walks over to your chair.

You grin as he leans down and presses a sweet kiss to your lips.

"That's why you love me." He teases.

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