Kyle O'Reilly

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Breaking up with Ethan was something you never saw yourself doing, you thought that you'd finally found the one that you'd have the pleasure of spending the rest of your life with. But, it looked like Ethan didn't see it that way. No, it looked like he was more into Mandy Rose and her insistent flirting than your almost three year relationship with him.

So, you broke it off. Sure it hurt like hell, he hurt you worse than anything before you had experienced. But, that's what you had friends for right. As soon as Ethan was gone you were on the phone, unable to keep your sobbing to yourself. You quickly dialed the number of the one person you knew would drop everything to console you.

"H-hey Kyle." The phone stops rings and you choke out some words.

"Y/N?" Kyle immediately replies, concern obvious in his voice. "Y/N, what's wrong?" He asks you through the phone.

"'s Ethan." You try not to sound so pathetic. "He...i.....Kyle, he cheated on me." You break down and allow yourself to sob some more.

"I'll be right over." Is all Kyle gets out before the line goes dead, and you are way to caught up in crying to hear the pure anger laced in his tone.

Kyle pockets his phone back in his jeans, a look of rage in his eyes. His skin turning an alarming shade of red, which makes Roderick speak up.

"What's up with Y/N?" Roderick asks his buddy, hearing your name come up while Kyle was on the phone.

"That fucking asshole." Kyle mumbles to himself as he grabs his jacket firmly.

"What was that?" Roderick asks again, more curious now.

"Ethan." Kyle grits his teeth. "He cheated on her." Kyle's face glows an almost unnatural red as he slips on his jacket.

"What are you going to do?" Roderick stands to his feet, not liking Kyle's tone.

"I'm gonna go make sure Y/N's okay, then i'm gonna kick his ass." Kyle pulls his keys from him pocket and walks to the door.

Roderick nods his head and lets Kyle go, knowing better than to get involved in it. He of all people knew just how much Kyle cared about you, how much he loved you.

You sit on your bed, eyes puffy and red. No tears left in your system to cry at the moment. The room is ice cold, you don't have the energy to turn the heat up. So you just wrap yourself in tear streaked blankets. You just stare at your wall, in the dark bedroom you used to share with Ethan.

You jump a bit when you hear the front door swing open, then shut again. Part of you thinks that it could be Ethan, here to make up some excuse or maybe get his things. So you try and compose yourself for that. However, you relax when you hear Kyle calling your name.

"Y/N?" Kyle calls from the front of the house.

"In here." You yell back, not moving from your spot.

Silence fills the house again before your bedroom door cracks open and Kyle steps through it, he looks concerned for you as he sees you miserable and in bed.

"Hey." He softly greets you as he walks over to your side of the bed.

"Hey." You try and crack a small smile for him.

"Are you okay?" Kyle leans down to come face to face with you.

You shake your head, emotions flooding back. Tears dare brim your eye's again, fresh and renewed from earlier.

"Oh sweetheart." Kyle doesn't hesitate to sit down on your bed and pull you into a much needed hug, to worried about you to care what anyone might think.

"Why?" You let yourself cry into his chest. "Why would he do this to me? D-did i do something wrong?" You sob, not able to understand Ethan's motives.

"He's a piece of crap." Kyle replies quietly, rubbing your back. "He doesn't deserve you, he never has." He assures you, trying his best to hide his anger from you.

You eventually stop crying after a while, your system finally calming down from the initial shock of what had happened. Kyle remains in his spot the whole time, letting you stain his shirt with your tears, never complaining once.

"Feeling any better?" Kyle asks you sweetly when you finally break from his chest.

"A little yeah." You nod your head, eyes blurry from being wet.

You rubs your eyes to gain your full vision back, the room becoming much clearer then it had been in a few hours now. You glance over at Kyle, who sits quietly waiting for you to speak.

"Thank you so much Kyle." You thank hi, giving him another small hug. "I...i don't know what id do without you." You break from the hug again and sigh.

"That's what i'm here for." Kyle nods his head. "And why i'm kicking Ethan's ass the next time that i see him.

"Don't bother." You shake your head. "As far as i'm concerned, he can live his life doing what he wants." Your sadness quickly turns to anger. "As long as it doesn't have anything to do with me." This response grants you a smile from Kyle.

"Atta girl." Kyle grins at you. "Want me to stay and hang out some more?" He asks you. "We can do whatever you want. Watch a movie, eat some junk, whatever." He offers you his full attention for as long as you need.

You break off to wash all the tears and grime away from your face while Kyle fetches junk food from your kitchen. You both meet up on the couch in your living room a bit later, ready to watch movies for as long as the two of you can stay awake.

A few hours and movies later, Kyle goes to ask you something when he glances over and sees you fast asleep. He smiles to himself and switches the tv off before he picks you up bridal style and carries you to your bed. He sets you down and turns to go when he's startled by you grabbing hold of his arm.

"Don't go, i don't wanna be alone." You mumble out, still half asleep.

Kyle doesn't protest and lays down in the empty spot next to you. Too groggy to care about really anything, you cuddle up to the warm body of Kyle and fall asleep again. Ethan the furthest thing from your mind at the moment.

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