Ethan Carter III

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Ethan strode down the hall of NXT for the first time, he'd been picked up by William Regal personally. And with a little persuading by his aunt Dixie Ethan took the job. Today was his first official day as an NXT superstar and he was set to meet Regal in his main office for an on camera interview as well as some other things.

You sit in Regals desk and scroll on your tablet at your emails, Regals chair was much more comfortable than yours so you often sat in it when he wasn't around to stop you, not that he cared much anyway. A knock comes at the door and you furrow your brows, you didn't think Regal was expecting anyone for a while. Nonetheless the door opens and you swallow when one of the most gorgeous men you'd ever had the pleasure of laying eyes on walks through the door.

"Ummm, can i help you?" You ask trying not to stare at the beautiful man in front of you.

"Wow Regal you've changed alot for it only being three days." Ethan chuckles as he lays eyes on you, he wasn't expecting a pretty girl to be in Regal's office. Not that he had a problem with pretty girls.

"Oh you're here for Regal, he should be back soon." You nervously smile as you suddenly feel the need to sit a bit straighter rather than slouch.

"Oh good, I'm Ethan." Ethan holds his hand out with a small smile, he can tell you look a bit nervous with him around. "And you are?" He asks putting on a flirty tone.

"That would be my assistant y/n." The voice of an older man interrupts Ethans attempt to flirt, you almost sigh in relief as Regals walks through the door, you were never a good flirt. "I'm glad you could make it Ethan." He smiles as you jump from his chair so he can sit down.

"Happy to get here and work Regal, my aunt says good things about you and your show." You stand by William and it hits you who is sitting in a chair across from you.

Its Ethan Carter III, aka EC3. He's dixie Carter's nephew and an undefeated champion in TNA and Impact wrestling, and he was flirting with you. Thinking to yourself about what was going on you completely tune out your boss until the older gentleman taps your shoulder.

"Forgive her Ethan." He speaks as you snap back to reality. "She's a bit nervous around new people." He jokes a bit.

"AM not." You reply defending yourself. "I just space sometimes." Ethan smiles at this making you eternally blush.

"Yeah Regal i space sometimes to." He comes out and defends you.

"Mhm." Regal rolls his eyes. "Any way, like i was saying, y/n grab my papers from the main desk and take Ethan with you while you're at it." He tells you making sure you're paying attention this time.

"Okay." You nod. "If you'd follow me this way Mr.Carter." You gesture to the door trying to be a professional.

"Oh just call me Ethan sweetie." Ethan replies as he gets up to follow you.

You nod trying to keep blush from rushing to your cheeks, yu and Ethan both head out to the hallway and you take a right to the smaller office of Regal. You don't get very far when Ethan decides this is the perfect time to speak up.

"So you been Regals assistant long?" He asks you in an attempt to get to know you a little.

"Around a year or so." You nod as you turn the corner. "So what made you wanna come to NXT?" You ask your own question. "I mean who just leaves not only and undefeated streak but an aunt as a boss?" You ask him not thinking about what you'd just said.

"Ah sounds like you know quite a bit about me." Ethan replies with a smirk. You swallow and realize how obsessed you must sound right now. "Don't worry about it man, i think it's cute you know who your talking about." Ethan assures you when he sees you look a bit distressed.

"Oh." You reply semi quietly. "Yeah thanks i guess." You silently are thankful when you see the door at the end of the hall with Regals name on it.

You get to it and slip inside for a moment leaving Ethan in the hall for a second. Once you find the papers you need for Regal you step out of the room and collide with a chest, you take a step back and look up to see your resident pain in the ass.

"What do you want Dunne?" You ask the current UK champion as he smirks at you.

"Where's Regal princess?" He asks you with that stupid smile.

"In his other office, and before you ask no he isn't seeing anyone right now." You tell him annoyed and hoping he'll just go away.

But of course this is Pete you're talking about, he's never been known to back away until he gets what he wants. And no one knows this fact better than you do.

"Oh i think he'll see me when i walk in with his pretty little assistant by my side." he smirks.

You roll your eyes. "Not happening Dunne, i'm sure whatever you need can wait an hour." You tell him.

Pete goes to argue but Ethan interrupts him when he appears from wherever he happened to be standing.

"Hey she said Regal wasn't taking people short stack." He slides next to you as he looks down at the shorter Pete.

"Whatever man, your boy toy won't be there next time babe." Pete looks to you before deciding it's best to just walk off.

When he's gone you turn to Ethan with a small smile on your face.

"Man i haven't seen him duck out of an argument that fast in a long time, thanks Ethan." You smile at him. "Anyway, we should probably get you and these papers back to Regal." You quickly change the subject.

"He bother you often?" Ethan asks once you both tart walking back to Regals main office.

"Only everyday of my life is all." You jokingly reply. "Why?" You ask Ethan as you glance up at him.

"Huh." Ethan humms.

You shake this off and drop Ethan back at Regal's with the papers then go off to get some work done before the show starts.

Around an hour or so later you are signing a paper for one of the stage hands when Ethan shows up at your side, you dismiss the hand and turn to him with a smile.

"Hey, how'd you talk with Regal go?" You ask him with a small grin.

"Fine, that guy bother you again?" Ethan asks you with concern laced in his voice.

"Ha, as soon as i stepped back into the hall." You chuckle knowing there isn't anything you can do to stop it.

"Hmm, you know if i was at your side he wouldn't bother you." Ethan all of a sudden smirks.

You giggle when you realize what his angle is, it takes you a moment but you think up a reply to this.

"Well that's a special way to ask a girl out on a date." You grin up at him. "But be lucky that i happen to like you Ethan." Ethan smirks and nods his head.

"Well then y/n my gorgeous new beau." He puts an arm around your shoulder. "Where shall i escort you to." He asks with a huge smile on his face.

You giggle and drag him off down the hallway keeping his arm on your shoulder just in case you happen to run into anyone that wanted to bug you.

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