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You'd be working in the world of professional wrestling for almost 10 years now, and in that decade you don't think that you've ever met a man as egotistical and self-centered as the man currently standing in front of you.

"I'm sorry, wanna run that by me one more time?" You ask Elias with a raised brow.

"I said, darling, i'd like you to go ahead and exit the ring now. I think everyone here agrees that we don't need to listen to one of your little rants again." Elias grins at you, guitar in hand

"And what in the hell, may i ask. Makes you think that these people would rather listen to you try and attempt to sing some shitty song?" You ask right back at the arrogant man in front of you.

"Oh come on now Y/N." Elias shakes his head, your name dropping from his mouth in a sweet tone. "Everyone wants to walk with Elias, a pretty lady like yourself is no different." The crowd cheers around you both, making your blood boil.

"You aren't worth my time." You huff, frustrated that you couldn't manage to come up with something better to say.

Elias keeps that stupid grin on his face as you give up and step out of the ring. His chuckle pricks at your ears as you walk away.

"Come on then Y/N, stay and have a little fun with me." He offers you as you walk away up the ramp, back turned to him.

You get backstage and are finally free from the teasing, you take a breath and head back to the locker room. When you get there, Bayley is waiting for you with a smile on her face.

"Well that was a disaster." She comments about your little spat in the ring.

"Tell me about it." You sigh and sit down on the bench. "God i hate him." You put your head in your hands with another sigh.

"Oh yeah." Bayley chuckles next to you. "You're brain shuts off when you're near the guy because you hate him so much." You look up at Bayley, hearing the condescending tone in her voice.

"And what is that suppose to mean?" You ask her with a scowl.

"All i'm saying is, i don't think it's hate that's getting you all flustered around him is all." Bayley shrugs her shoulders, a small grin playing at her lips.

"Bayley if you're implying that i like the guy, i swear." You shake your head, denying even the thought of the idea.

Bayley just shrugs her shoulders again, the grin now wide on her face. You groan and toss a shoe in the direction of your best friend for even bringing up the idea that you liked Elias.

The show comes to an end for the night so you change and head out to a local bar to drink your problems away, as usual. Bayley on the other hand, heads back to the hotel for the night. You are at the bar alone for a while, that is until someone slides onto the barstool next to you.

"Fancy seeing you here Y/N." The voice is smooth and sweet, and you don't have to look to see who it is.

"Stalking me now Elias." You flag the bartender to fill your glass back up, not taking your eyes off of the back of the bar shelves.

"Not at all sweetheart, just here to let loose and have a drink is all. Same as you." Elias grins as he can tell you're trying not to look at him.

You finally give in when the bartender hands you your drink, forcing you to turn to where Elias is sitting.

"There she is." Elias grins when you make eye contact with him. "I knew you couldn't avoid me all night." He comes at you.

"Yeah well so much for trying." You roll your eyes and take a sip of your drink.

Elias chuckles next to you and takes a swig from his own drink, you can't help but glance at him as he does. Realization that Bayley, once again, might just be right, setting in.

"Why me?" You all of a sudden turn fully Elias's way.

"What was that?" Elias asks you.

"Why me?" You ask again. "Why is it always me that you're looking to annoy or interrupt during shows. Why not someone else." You furrow your brows, dying to get an answer out of the man sitting next to you.

Elias chuckles next to you again and takes a sip of his drink. You start to feel sorry that you even asked. That is until he answers.

"You look cute when you're angry." He answers with a straight face. "Or when you get frustrated not knowing what to say? Priceless." He chuckles again.

You feel the pit in your stomach release at his answer, it sure as hell wasn't the one that you were expecting to hear. You take a sip of your drink and run a hand through your hair.

"So, you make my life hell, because you like me?" You look at Elias while clutching your drink in your free hand.

"Yes, i suppose so." Elias nods his head.

You laugh to yourself and take a hefty swallow from your drink, you were not nearly drunk enough to be having this conversation yet. Elias ends up ordering you another drink, and then another one. The two of you talk like you weren't just pissed off at him a few days ago.

A few hours and a few drinks later you are walking out of the bar with Elias right on your arm, but you don't mind it at all. In the few hours you'd been in the bar you'd managed to accept the fact that you did in fact have a crush on the guy.

"We both should be getting back to the hotel." You laugh to yourself as you walk out to the curb to grab a cab.

"Yes we should." Elias agree with you. "I'm bunking alone tonight to." He suggestively nudges you.

"Hey i might be drunk, but i'm not that drunk." You shake your head. "You're gonna have to try a little harder than that." You hail a cab to the curb. "But tonight was fun." You kiss Elias's cheek and climb into the cab.

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