Flip Gordon

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"Go and kick his ass babe." You make sure and kiss Flip gently on the lips before he heads out to the ring where Zack Sabre Jr waits for him.

Over the past few weeks Zack had made it a habit to put into inescapable situations so he could flirt with you, since you had made it clear more than once that you had no interest in Sabre since you had been dating Flip for a while now you and Flip both where getting pissed off.

(2 weeks earlier)

You walk down the hall texting on your phone when you accidently bump into someone. With a small grunt you tighten your grip on your phone and look up to see just who you managed to collide with.

"Oh sorry Zack." You apologize as you crane your neck a little to meet the much taller males gaze.

"Ah don't worry about it." Zack waves his hand with a small smile. "Where are you headed off to, if you don't mind me asking that is." He asks you with that same small grin on his face.

"Oh just to the locker rooms is all, catch you later though?" You reply as you pocket your phone.

"Yeah sure." Zack nods eagerly. "See you later then." He steps off to the side and lets you by.

You nod with a small grin of your own and head to the locker room, you didn't put any thought into the fact that Zack looked just a little too eager to see you later. Afterall, he was harmless right?

"Hey i'm back babe." You announce your presence as you open the door to Flip's locker room. "Well don't you look handsome." A smile spreads on your face when your eye's fall on Flip sliding on the jacket he usually wore with his ring gear.

"I always look handsome." Flip replies with a cheesy grin as he turns around to face you. "Got my dogtags?" He asks you as he sauntered over to you.

"Yep." You reply and pull on the silver chain that was hiding under your shirt and tug it off lightly. "Been keeping them nice and warm for you." You hand them over for Flip to put on.

"Warm and lucky." Flip chuckles as he slips them over his head and lets them drop to his chest. "What took you so long to get here, i was beginning to think that you got lost?" He asks you now changing the subject.

"Ran into Zack Sabre Jr, we talked for a minute or two." You answer and pull out your phone again since you still have a minute or two until Flip has to leave for the ring.

"Oh." Flip replies and nods his head.

"What was that?" You look at Flip with a raised brow.

You'd known Flip long enough to know when something wasn't right, and the way that he had said "oh." meant that he had something that he wanted to say. So you stare him down with a raised brow knowing that your boyfriend won't be able to resist and crack.

"What was what?" Flip replies avoiding the question.

"Oh don't play dumb with me Gordon." You reply.

Before you can get an answer out of him Flip has to head out to the ring, you walk with him for support and hang back while he has his match. While Flip is busy in the ring you're not alone for long when Zack shows up again.

"Oh hello again Zack." You smile when he slides next to you. "What are you doing down here?" You ask him.

"My match is in a few, didn't have anywhere else better to be." Zack replies. "But i'm glad that i ran into you again." He grins.

"Oh yeah?" You reply slightly disinterested. "Why is that?" You ask him.

"I like spending time with you is all." Zack replies. "And i was thinking that maybe i could take you out for i don't know, dinner maybe?" He asks you with his biggest and warmest smile.

"Oh." You reply quietly. "Umm, Zack you know that me and Flip have been dating for a while now right?" You explain in an almost hushed tone.

You liked Zack, as a friend of course. So turning him down when he seemed so eager for you to say yes made you uncomfortable as hell.

"Well yeah but, i mean it's Flip." Zack replies almost unphased by what you had just said. "I'd be much better company than him." You swallow hard and try and think of what to do next. "So what do you say Y/N? Wanna ditch Gordon for me?" Zack asks you.

You wrack your brain for a way to get out of this situation now realizing that Zack was one of those cant take no for an answer types. Thankfully for you, you look past Zack and see Flip walk through the curtain. He takes one look at you and knows that you need some help from your boyfriend.

"Hey Zack." Flip walks right past Zack and over to you with a calm smile. "Babe, did you see me win?" He asks you as he puts a protective arm around your shoulder.

You relax a little now that Flip is in the mix, turning your attention back to Zack you now see that he looks a little pissed off.

"Well we better be going Zack." You try and dismiss yourself and Flip.

"Hey wait." Zack replies making you stop. "What about our date?" He asks you.

"Date?" Flip replies as he looks at you.

"I never said anything about a date Zack." You reply as you scoot further into Flip's side. "I already told you that i'm with Flip." You remind him.

Flip watches as Zack's nostrils flare and his hand becomes a fist, you don't have time to react when Flip instinctively pushes you behind him as Zack prepares to swing.

The fight doesn't last long, everyone backstage breaks it up pretty quick. A little shaken up by the whole thing you freeze on the spot until an angry looking Flip with tousled hair walks over and pulls you close.

"Come on babe, lets get out of here." He kisses the top of your head and calms down a little. "I'll save Zack's ass for the ring." You nod and walk with Flip back to the locker room.

You never took Zack for the violent type at all.

(Present Day)

You watch as Flip beats the hell out of Zack then takes his time making a pin, you loved it when Flip got all alpha male, something he rarely did. You then smile to yourself and watch as Flip grabs a mic and slides back into the ring.

"This is a message to anyone that thinks they can mess with Y/N, she's mine and will always be mine. So don't ever try anything, or you'll end up with a fate worse than Sabre." He kicks Zack who still lays on the floor for emphasis.

You giggle to yourself and Flip drops the mic and makes his way back to you. You don't complain one bit when he pulls you in for a kiss to really make sure that he got the point across. You were his.

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