Dean Ambrose

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You gave Roman a tight hug before he left, the news about his leukemia had just been announced. Seth and Dean stands right by you, both of them had also given your brother in arms a hug. The three of you watch as he leaves, you needed to stay strong for the tag title match that Dean and Seth had coming up.

"God i hope he comes back soon." You shake your head once Roman is out of sight.

"He will." Dean nods his head and puts his arm around your shoulder for comfort.

"Yeah he's Roman, he'll be alright." Seth also nods. "In the meantime, we're gonna win these belts tonight for Roman." You and Dean nod.

"For Roman." You repeat Seth.

The three of you head to the locker room to get ready for the match, you make sure to keep an eye on Dean. He'd been acting even more on edge then he usually was.

"Alright boys." You rally the remaining men in the locker room after you change. "What's the plan for tonight?" You ask both Seth and Dean.

"Kick ass." Seth replies with a confident grin.

"Make a statement no one will forget." Dean joins in.

"Damn right!" You pump your fist in the air. "Now let's go show Drew and Dolph who the hell we are!" Seth grins at your confidence and the three of you head out to the ring.

Seth leads the pack down to the ring but you fall into step with Dean behind him. You notice Dean looks a little unenthused.

"Hey." You touch Dean's arm as the two of you walk. "Everythings gonna be alright Dean." You assure him. "Rom will be okay, and we'll make do without him. I've got faith in you and Seth man." Dean nods his head.

"Yeah." Is all he manages to say before the two of you walk through the curtain to the ramp.

Both men insist that you stay up at the commentary table for the match, Dean a little more than Seth. You understood why, neither man needed to be worrying about you at ringside during the match. You wish them good luck before taking a seat next to Corey for the match.

You glare at Drew and Dolph as they go past you. Then the match starts, you answer questions and do your best to sound supportive while you watch. You don't admit it when Corey claims that you worry about Dean just a little more than Seth.

The match ends in a blurr, and you jump and cheer when the bell rings and Drew and Dolph slink out of the ring. You walk right up to them to spend a split second rubbing it in their faces when the crowd changes from cheers to boo's. You look down at the ring and freeze, Seth lies on the floor with Dean looking over him. Both belts lay on the mat, and Dean doesn't look pleased. You find yourself unable to move, your eye's follow Dean as he leaves Seth in the ring and heads up the ramp your way.

"Dean?" You manage to squeak out his name as he passes you.

Dean stops for a moment and looks at you, he looks just as hurt as you do. You still don't move when he steps to you.

"Come with me." He whispers to you, his hand grips your arm gently.

You swallow hard and turn your head to look at Seth now on his feet. He looks at both you and Dean and doesn't move. You look back to Dean, and your gut tells you to go with him. Still a little shocked you let Dean pull you up the ramp by the arm and backstage.

"Dean." You call his name a little more firmly this time, the initial shock was wearing off now.

Dean stops and his grip loosens on you, he turns to look at you. His eyes are more calm now, and the tenseness is less in his muscles.

"You know this is a really bad time to make a heel turn." You comment, almost daring yourself to make a joke.

"Huh yeah." Dean half chuckles. "I did say i wanted to make a statement." He reminds you.

"Oh you made one all right." You dare to grin a little. "May i ask why you felt the need to drag me along with you?" You ask him.

Dean's hand slips from your arm and rests as his side as he towers over and looks down. You grin knowing for a fact that he'd never dare harm you.

"Seth doesn't need you, and i sure as hell aint about to give you up." You nod and grin a little.

"Almost 6 years i've been friends with you Dean, 6 years and you finally admit that you need me." You shake your head and look up at him. "And now i've gotta watch my back for Seth, are you really worth all this effort?" You ask him with a raised brow.

Dean grins that idiotic grin that you knew you'd never get tired of as he leans down to match your gaze. His hands sit either side of you trapping you in, not that you'd wanna leave if you could.

"I think you'll find that i am." Dean whispers before he presses his lips to yours.

A week goes by of being dragged around by Dean, not that you minded at all. Dodging camera's and Seth as well as making out in dark alleys was all too appealing to you. And any time spent with Dean's arm protectively snaked around your shoulder or waist was time well spent in your book.

You sit in the new locker room that Dean was given on the following monday and wait for him to get ready to answer Seth's call. You look up from your phone when you hear the door click and the sound of heavy boots colliding with the floor.

"Oh yeah." You smirk to yourself. "This is definitely a good look for you." Your eye's rake over Dean's new wardrobe picked out by you.

A leather jacket covered his broad shoulders, as well as some delightful light jeans and a pair of black boots. Anyone that claimed Dean wasn't born to flaunt a leather jacket and boots was a damn liar.

"Ready to show face the world?" Dean asks you as the two of you stand at the entrance that The Shield usually used.

"As long as i've got you, i'm always ready." You grin.

Dean nods his head and steps through the doorway, you step through right next to him and look down at Seth. A little twang of regret shines in the pit of your stomach, but fades instantly when Dean's arm snakes around your shoulder.

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