Will Ospreay

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"Willlllllll." You call your boyfriend from the opposite room as you lay in bed.

"What?!" You hear Will yell back from inside the other room.

"Come here!" You call him still laying in bed staring at the ceiling.

You hear footsteps on the wooden floors of the hall and smile, when you know your boyfriend stands in the doorway you put your hands in the air.

"Hugs." You command the blonde as he leans against the door frame.

"You called me in here because you wanted a hug?" He asks you with a chuckle.

You feel weight on the bed next to you as a pair of arms pull you up into a warm embrace.

"I called for hugs Will, plural." You correct his statement as you snuggle up to him, he smells like chalk and workout equipment.

"Oh my bad." He chuckles. "You know you interrupted my workout." He informs you. "Not that you care anyway." His hands run through your hair.

"I know." You mumble into his neck. "You smell like chalk and weights." You drop your head into his lap and look up at him.

"How much longer do I have to stay off my feet?" You ask him as you lift the cast on your leg in the air for emphasis.

"Just another week." Will tells you as he looks at the blue cast.

"Ugh." You groan. "A whole week? Will I'm going to die of boredom." You complain.

"You'll be fine." Will pats your head. "You have me to keep you company." He tells you.

"Yeah until you go to work." You reply sharply.

Will nods and looks down at you, his hands running through your hair.

"If it makes you feel any better I called Kenny to come over and keep you company." He tells you referring to your best friend.

"Ah thanks babe." You grin. "I'll still miss you though." Your grin weakens a bit.

"And I'll miss you my little cripple." Will teases you as he leans down for a kiss.

"Will." You call him again. "I'm hungry. Take me to the kitchen." You demand in a hearty tone.

You expected your boyfriend to be civilized and grab your crutches for you, but being the grown child he was your lifted into a bridal hold and carried to the kitchen.

"Will." You protest as he carries you through the house. "That's not what I meant." You scold him.

"Here we are my fair lady." He jokes as he sets you on a bar stool in the kitchen. "What can I get you?" He asks.

You look at him as he stands before you and waits for an answer, you really don't know what you want so you go with a simple food.

"Cereal." You tell him. "One bowl of Cheerios for me please." You ask him spotting the box on a shelf.

"As you wish." Will bows before grabbing a bowl and the cereal as well as milk and a spoon. "Here you are, one bowl of Cheerios." He hands you the bowl.

"Thank you." You smile and nod as you take your food.

"Enjoy your meal, I've gotta take a shower." Will tells you.

"Mkay." You nod. "Bring me my crutches first though." You ask him.

Will brings your crutches to you and sets them against the counter then heads off to shower. After you eat your Cheerios you grab your crutches and hobble over to the sink, after the bowl is put away you make your way to the couch in the next room and plop down.

A bit late you're in the middle of playing a video game when a pair of damp hands clasp on your shoulders making you shudder.

"Huh cold hands." You squirm.

"Ha got ya." Will laughs as he moves around the back of the couch. "I see you've managed to get around on your own." He smiles at you.

"Yes." You nod. "I'm a very capable person." You giggle. "Have fun at work babe." You kiss his nose knowing he's about to leave for the night.

"I will." He nods. "Kenny should be here soon." He tells you.

Just as he does the doorbell rings, you smile at your friends comical timing.

"Speak of the devil." Will walks to the door and let's Kenny in. "I'll be back around 1 or 2, thanks for coming over man." You hear him talking to Kenny by the door. "Bye babe." He calls you one last time.

There is silence for a second followed by the sound of footsteps, you hear a chuckle and look to see Kenny walk in.

"There she is." He smiles as he walks over to you. "Lemme sign your cast." He instantly asks as he sits down.

"Sure." You hike your leg up and set it on his lap for him to sign it. "Omg Kenny sign my cast please." You beg like a fan.

"Ha, sure thing kid. Who should I make it out to?" He replies holding a marker IN hand.

"Y/n l/n." You tell him with an eager smile.

You both laugh as he signs the cast for you, you can barely feel the marker on the cast through the thick plaster.

"So what are we doing for the night?" Kenny asks after he finishes signing the cast.

"I don't know?" You shrug. "Wanna watch a movie?" You ask him.

"Sure." Kenny nods. "I'll put one in." He tells you as he stands.

A few hours later Will comes back from work to find you fast asleep on the couch with Kenny silently sitting on his phone.

"Hey man." Will nods at Kenny. "Thanks bro." He picks you up again and walks you to the bed room leaving Kenny to go home.

You are woken up as your set down in bed.

"Hmmm. Have fun at work?" You ask him groggily.

"Not really." He replies as he slips off his shirt and pants. "Missed you to much." He tells you.

You stretch out a bit before snuggling into Will again easily dozing off back to sleep again.

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