Drew Gulak

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Drew was going about his day as usual, he was on his way to his locker room to change for his match when he passed a girl. Normally he'd go about his day, but this girl caught him off guard.

"Yeah I'll see you soon." You end the call as you walk down the hall. "Always so impatient." You shake your head and pass someone who looks at you.

You continue and make it your locker room and enter, when you get inside someone is waiting for you.

"Hey Mark." You smile at the blonde as he stands up. "It's good to see you." You hug him.

"Good to see you too, how's it feel to be here on the main roster?" Mark asks you.

"Great so far, I've even got a match later." You smile wide.

"That's great, come on and I'll show you around." Mark pulls you to the door.

You giggle at your eager best friend and let him pull you down the Hall, resistance is futile when Mark gets like this.

On the other side of the arena Drew stands next to TJ ignoring the taller males rambling, he glances down the Hall and his eyes land on you, the gorgeous girl he'd seen earlier. You stand at the end of the Hall with mark giggling, your head leans back and your hand rests on marks arm.

"Hey TJ." Drew elbows his friend in the arm slightly. "Any idea who that is?" He asks as he gestures down the hall at you.

"Who?" TJ replies as he looks down the hall. "Oh hey thats y/n l/n." A smile spreads on his face upon seeing you. "She's from Japan, well she trained her anyway." He explains to Drew. "I don't think you'd like her though, not your type." Drew furrows his brows at this comment.

Why wouldn't you be his type, he glanced your way again. Infectious smile, bright eyes, a pair of gorgeous long legs, what was there not to like? Drew goes to ask TJ about his comment but TJ is back to rambling about something else so he saves it and turns back your way, he turns just in time to see you heading his way.

"Where are you dragging me off to now?" You ask Mark as he leads you passed two guys.

One is tall and slender decked in Lakers gear and seems to be annoying the other one, said other guy is shorter with a cute smile and caramel hair. He looks a little annoyed by the taller guy, you wave a little and smile at them as you pass by in a hurry.

"Who were those two?" You ask Mark when you get past them.

Mark turns to look at you and slows down, you start to walk at a normal pace so you can talk.

"That was TJ Perkins and Drew Gulak, I'd stay away from drew though. He's got kind of a problem with us and what we do." He warns you. "TJ's fair game for you though." Mark winks at you making you shake your head.

"Okay noted." You nod at him. "Isn't it almost time for my match though?" You ask Mark as you look at your watch.

Mark glances at his own watch and nods, he then turns to take you to your locker room change.

Back with drew, TJ finally shuts his mouth giving drew some time to speak.

"So how do you know y/n?" He asks TJ curious about you still.

"Me and her trained in japan for a few years, she's a cool girl." TJ replies. "I don't think she's your type though." He adds for the second time that day.

Drew turns to TJ again. "See what do you mean by that, why wouldn't she be my type?" He asks TJ.

"Dude y/n's regarded as one of the best female high flyers in the business." TJ tells Drew with grin. "Those damn legs have gotten her through just about any competition that gets thrown at her." Drew nods his head getting what TJ meant.

Drew never did like flyers, they where to cocky and risky to deal with. Still, you where one of the most gorgeous girls that he'd ever seen. His curiosity getting the best of him drew turns back to TJ.

"Still wanna go watch her match though?" He asks TJ. "It's not like we've got anything better to do." He makes his case.

"Yeah sure why not, it'll be cool to watch the shorty wrestle." TJ nods.

Both men head down to watch your match that is about to begin.

Back in your locker room you lace up your boots tight, mark leans on the door waiting to walk you out. You finish up fixing all your outfit and stand to your feet.

"Alright I'm ready to go." You pop up to your feet.

Mark nods and walks you out to the ramp where you pass drew and TJ again. You wave a little to both and make your way out to the ring.

Drew watches as your music hits and you sprint down to the ring and jump at the last second, you sail over the top ropes and land in the ring doing a roll to your feet.

"See what I mean?" TJ gestures to the TV. "She's a real talent." Drew nods his eyes glued to the monitor.

Your opponent saunters out to the ring and meets you with a grin, you smile back at her and patiently wait for the bell to ring.

Drew's eyes stay glued to the screen the entire match, normally he hated watching flyers in matches. But the way you moved, how well executed your moonsaults and dives where. Your match ends with a 360 spin dive from the top rope and a three count pin.

"Well that was fun eh drew?" TJ turns to Drew. "Drew?" He asks again.

Drew snaps out of his thoughts and turns to TJ.

"Yeah man?" He asks seeing as he's paying attention.

"Dude are you okay?" TJ asks drew just as you walk back into the room.

Drew ignored TJ and walk right up to you with a smile.

"Hey y/n, I'm Drew." He holds his hand out. "Nice match out there." He compliments you.

"Thanks man." You nod to drew with a smile.

"Yeah no problem, I just wanna say that the shit you do out in that ring is super fucking cool." He tells you.

"Ha yeah i've been told that, but hey i heard your a super good submission specialist yourself." You remember mark talking about it earlier.

"Huh yeah I guess." Drew shrugs. "Maybe we could train some time?" He suggest to you.

"Yeah that be cool." You nod before you leave.

You smile as you walk off, you had no idea what mark had been talking about when he said that drew wouldn't like you.

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