Pete Dunne

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“God, do you ever smile?” You ask Pete followed  by a roll of your eyes at the frowning UK champion.

“Any reason why i should be smiling?” Pete replied as he turns his attention to you for a second.

“Oh i don't know?” You reply. “Maybe because smiling is a natural human function?” You wave your hands slightly for emphasis.

Pete shrugs his shoulders and you roll your eyes at him again. The door opens up and you shoot to your feet, your boss William Regal's walks in and smiles at you.

“Afternoon y/n.” He greets you with a warm smile. “What can i do for you Dunne?” He asks Pete as he turns to the champion.

Pete stands to his feet and walks up to the older man's desk, you hang back and wait for Pete to be done with whatever he’s up to so you and Regal can start the show.

“I need a favor from you Regal.” Pete tells the NXT GM as he leans against the desk. “I’m in need of a manager, i was hoping you’d provide your champion with one as soon as possible.” He asks with what almost looks like a grin. “Preferably an attractive one.” He adds quickly before he waits for a reply.

“A manager huh?” Regal repeats Pete’s request.

Pete watches as Regal falls silent for a moment, lost in thought. You snicker at the thought of the poor soul that gets stuck with that job. You check the watch on your wrist for the time, if Regal didn't come u with an answer soon you’d be behind schedule.

“y/n.” Regal all of a sudden calls your name. Your head snaps his way in fear, you almost prayed he didn't say what you thought he was about to say. “You’ve been bugging me about a raise right?” You nod your head and swallow. “Take this job and i’ll give you that raise.” He tells you.

You mentally sigh, that was a dirty move. You push off the wall your leaning against and sigh, Pete looks at you then back to Regal.

“Yeah i’ll take the job.” You nod your head and turn your attention to Pete. “Looks like you’re my responsibility now.” You grin a little at the idea of bossing the champion around.

“Don't let all that power get to your head just yet love.” Pete turns to you. “Regal, i believe we’ll be going now.” He turns back to William who nods his head.

You follow Pete out to the hall reality now setting in on you, you had to spend all your free time with this cocky and arrogant man.

“So what do you need a manager for anyway?” You ask Pete once you both get out into the hall.

“Maybe i was just hoping Regal would give me you.” Pete cracks a small grin, well more like a smirk but still.

“Me?” You bat your eyes innocently. “And why would you want anything to do with me?” You ask curiously.

Pete shifts his weight and his title belt catches a beam of light making it shimmer on your skin.

“Maybe i got tired of having to have Regal around when i want to see you.” He tells you.

You roll your eyes again and look at the man in front of you, he wears that same scowl-like facial expression.

“You know you could of just asked me out on a date, didn't have to take me away from my job.” You explain to him as Pete behind walking down the hall.

“Hey you got a raise, so why are you complaining again?” Pete asks. “You’ve got a well paying job and an attractive champion to look ar all the time.” He boasts.

“Lucky me.” You roll your eyes and grin a little. “By the way if this is what you call a date it sucks.” You inform him.

“Oh but the night is just getting started love.” Pete replies making goosebumps form on your arm slightly.

“Oh so you’ve got plans for me then?” You ask now kind of curious of what Pete’s got planned.

Pete grins a little which scares you a bit, you try and shrug it off and follow him back to his locker room. When you get there Pete assaults you with a t-shirt as soon as you step into the room.

“You working for me you gotta dress the part love.” He tells you.

You remove the shirt from your shoulder where it landed and look at it, it’s one of Pete’s merch shirts. And it just so happens it’s just your size.

“I'm not gonna ask how you know what size shirt i wear.” You comment as you strip from the grey shirt you’re wearing revealing the dusty blue tank top you’re wearing.

“Color looks good on you, blends well with that pale skin.” Pete comments.

“Eyes are up here buddy.” You reply as you pull the black shirt over your head, it’s a perfect fit.

“Oh but the view is so much better down here.” Pete smirks.

You smack his arm and roll your eyes, with the shirt now on you wonder what comes next in your first night as the UK champs manager.

“So do you actually plan on using me or am i just here for you to look at?” You ask Pete seeing as he’s given you nothing to do.

“Eh.” Pete shrugs. “A little of both, for now just hang out. Tyler and Trent should be here soon.” He informs you.

You mentally kick yourself for forgetting that Pete always came with his buddies Trent and Tyler. Tyler was a sweet guy, the quiet type around you, but Trent on the other hand. He was a nuisance, the type not to get a hint.

“Speak of the devil. “Pete grins as the door opens up. “Mates, look who i grabbed for out new manager.” He gestures to you as you stand and look at all three men.

“Tyler.” You smile at the youngest of the group. “Trent.” You nod to the older male.

“Nice going mate.” Trent is the first to speak up.

Tyler nods his head and goes to mind his own business with changing into proper ring attire. You stand between Trent and Pete and listen helplessly as Trent pops off a few comments of the flirty nature. You just roll your eyes and endure what you're afraid will become the new norm for you. Then all of a sudden Pete speaks up.

“Alright mate lets get one thing straight.” He turns to Trent. “y/n’s my manager, which also makes her my girl. So if i here one more flirty comment from you man, i'm hitting you.” He warns the older male.

Trent throws his hands up and takes a step back from you, you kind of smile a little as Pete pulls you closer to him.

“Alright man, you don't have to get hostile.” Trent sighs.

“I better not have to.” He warns him again.

You nod, maybe being a manager for Peter wasn't going to be so bad after all.

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