Tyler Bate

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Valentines Day was looming around the corner, and you didn't have a date. You'd been riding the single train for a while now, trying everything from online dating to letting some of your friends hook you up with guys that they knew. But nothing seemed to be working, you remained sitting home alone eating ice cream, single as could be.

"Hey Trent, Tyler." You are on your way to the ladies locker room to change in the gym when you spot the current UK tag team champions.

"Ello Y/N." Trents waves with a smile.

"Good to see ya Y/N." Tyler also waves, but a little quieter.

You smile at both of them and head into the locker room and change. Trent and Tyler were two of the nicest guys you knew, always wearing smiles and happy to help you load heavy bags into cars or onto airplane carts. Trent had always given off that big brother vibe, like he was always the one that you could turn to in a pinch. Tyler on the other hand, well you thought Tyler was one of the cutest men you'd ever met. His shy demeanor always made you smile when he was near, like a gentleman in all senses of personality built like he could take you out without breaking a sweat.

"Oh hey Toni." You walk over to the usual locker that you used when you wear at the gym, only to find Toni Storm occupying the one next to it.

"Hey Y/N." The blonde grins as you open your locker. "You hear for a workout to?" She asks with her usual grin. "Or are you here to scope out a date for this Saturday?" She asks as she shuts her own locker door.

"Maybe a little bit of both." You giggle to yourself and pull out your workout clothes.

"Well i've got a date already, but i'd be happy to help you thirst over guys in the gym while we workout." She offers with a giggle of her own.

"Sure Toni." You chuckle. "I could use all the help that i can get." You quickly change into some workout clothes then head out to the gym floor with Toni at your side.

The two of you decide to start the workout with some light cardio and both walk over to the line of treadmills near the back of the room. This was also a good place to get a good look at all the men in the room, since the whole floor could be viewed from the treadmills.

"Okay so, what kind of man are we looking for?" Toni asks as she turns on her treadmill and sets her water bottle in the holder.

"Oh i don't know?" You shrug. "It's not like i'm looking for the perfect guy ya know?" You turn on your own treadmill. "I just want a nice guy to laugh and have fun with, and on occasion, have really good sex with." Toni giggles besides you.

"Same." She sighs as her eyes scan the room. "What about Ethan?" She nods over to the weight rack. "He's rich so that's a nice date there, and let's be honest. He looks like you could get some wild sex out of that." She giggles.

"Eh." You shrug. "Me and Ethan have never gotten along, he's to highclass for my poor ass." Your own eyes scan the room at the selection of men on display.

"Okay." Toni nods her head. "So not to rich, or that tan." She teases you, causing you to smile. "Oh duh, what about Tyler?" She asks you all of a sudden with a bright smile.

"Tyler?" You reply. "Doesn't he already have a date?" You ask Toni as you swivel your neck to look at her.

"Nope, i should know." Toni shakes her head. "My date for Saturday is Trent." She tells you.

"It is?" You reply, you didn't take Toni as the type to like Trent Seven.

"Yeah, ooh it could be like a double date." She cooes at you in excitement.

"I guess." You nod. "Yeah sure, if i can get Tyler to say yes that is." You agree.

You figured you'd mind as well go out on a double date with Toni and Trent, it make the first date thing a little less awkward.

"Great." Toni grins. "Come on, lets go ask then." She jumps off of her machine and grabs your hand.

You giggle and let Toni drag you across the gym to the pair that you had past earlier, you stop with her when she gets to the machine that the pair was working on.

"Hey Trent." Toni grins and greets Trent with a smile. "Can Y/N ask Tyler a question?" She asks with a smile.

"Sure." Trent nods and helps Tyler into a sitting position.

"Umm Tyler, i was wondering if you'd maybe wanna be my date for valentines day this Saturday?" You ask the blond with a hopeful smile. "If you don't already have plans that is." You quickly add, just in case.

"Uhh, yeah i'd love to." Tyler nods his head with a small smile.

"Cool." You nod, happy that he said yes.

Toni springs on the idea of a double date, and you all agree to the idea. After that you and the rest of the group part ways for the rest of the day.

Saturday rolls around and you go to Toni's place to get ready for your date, the two of you help eachother get ready. Both of you decide on red dresses, since the holiday was all about red. Toni does her makeup, and you decide on a little makeup as well. Then a little bit later a knock comes at the door.

"Ohh they're here." Toni gets up from her seat and walks to the door with you.

She opens the door to reveal to sharply dresses men, each holding a flower in their hands. You smile and look at Tyler, he looked good in a suit.

"Here you go, we got these for the two of you." Tyler hands you the rose.

"Thanks, its beautiful." You take the rose and tuck it in your hair since the stem was small and didnt have thorns.

"Your welcome, you look wonderful by the way, red looks good on you." Tyler compliments you on the dress.

"Thanks." You blush a little.

"Shall we then?" He asks as he holds his arm out for you to take.

You nod and gently take his arm, you can easily feel the muscles through the fabric of the suit. Tyler walks you to the car then opens the door for you. You climb in and he climbs in after you, Toni and Trent climb in the front of the car and you are off.

The boys take you and Toni to a nice restaurant in town, and are total gentlemen the entire night. Throughout the night you and Tyler hit it off, you find him cute and funny when he tells jokes or does something cute.

At the end of the night Trent and Toni end up getting dropped off by you and Tyler. Then Tyler offers to take you home, you accept and he walks you home, a few houses away from Toni.

"This was fun, i had a good time tonight." You stop when you get to the front door of your house.

"Yeah." Tyler nods his head. "Almost too good to end." He mumbles.

You catch what he says and smile to yourself as you fish your keys from your purse.

"I think that it's safe to say that Trents going to be busy the rest of the night." You giggle a little. "So, do you wanna maybe come in?" You ask Tyler softly. "I'm pretty sure i've got some wine in the house somewhere, and it is still kind of early." You smile when Tyler nods his head.

"Sounds like a plan." He grins.

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