Baron Corbin

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Tired of your reckless and annoying antics William Regal, GM of NXT ships you off to Raw right after you break your leg as a result of what he described as a much deserved drop kick off the ropes from Dakota Kai. So you packed up all your belongings and headed to Raw, according to Regal, Stephanie had an idea for a co-general manager angle for the show. And according to her, you were the perfect person for the job.

The car pulls up to the arena that Raw is being held at, you go to open the door but someone outside beats you to it. You peer out the doorway and look up to see Baron Corbin smiling down at you.

"Uhh thanks." You to him before you pull your crutches from behind you.

"Here let me help." Corbin offers you.

Not wanting to be rude to your new co-GM you nod and let him help you to your feet and get settled on the crutches. Once you are on your feet and steady Corbin nods his head and leads the way into the building.

"Stephanie is here to talk to you before the show starts by the way." Corbin informs you as the two of you walk down the hall. "Oh and i'm Baron, Baron Corbin." You nod your head at this crane your neck to look up at him.

"Y/N L/N." You would hold your hand out for a handshake, but you were a little preoccupied by your crutches.

The two of you get to the main office and Corbin opens the door for you, you hobble through and come face to face with Stephanie, the commissioner of Raw.

"Ah Y/N, there you are." She smiles at you as she turns around.

The door behind you clicks chut and Corbin takes his place about a foot to your left, you nod at your new boss and put on a smile.

"Thanks for letting me come to Raw." You thank her even though you know that most of it was Regal.

"Ah no problem, Regal was more than happy to lend you over to the Raw brand." Stephanie grins. "Anyway, as we informed you earlier, i've had a vision for co-general managers on the Raw brand for some time now. I knew that i wanted Corbin here as one of them, but the other one. Well i wasn't quite sure who was right for the job." Stephanie explains. "But i was talking to both Regal and Hunter, and they both told me about you, they both told me that you have a sharp mouth as well as an eye for mischief." You grin a little and nod.

"They'd both be correct." You can tell that Steph likes this answer.

"I personally think that you and Corbin will make a wonderful team for taking care of Raw, so i'll go ahead and leave you two to it. Corbin make sure that she gets shown around and has how Raw operates explained to her." Stephanie quickly turns to Corbin with a more serious look.

Corbin nods his head and watches as Stephanie leaves the room. Once she's gone you see Corbin relax a little. You chuckle to yourself and move over to the desk and chair that sits in the room.

"That's my chair." Corbin comments as soon as you sit down in it.

"Cripple." You shake your casted foot a little. "It's mine now." You grin and sink further into the chair.

Corbin looks down at you with slight annoyance, he was just being overly nice for Stephanie while she was around.

"So what's the plan for tonight Corbin?" You ask him with a sly grin. "You gonna show me how you operate this show or not?" Corbin rolls his eyes at you making you grin.

"Yeah come on." He waves his hand in the direction of the door.

"Don't worry Corbin." You get to your feet and pat his shoulder. "You'll get used to me, they all do." You hobble out the door with a grin and step into the hallway and wait for Corbin to follow you.

The two of you walk through the hall without a word for a little bit, but eventually the silence bores you.

"So i've a question for you Corbin." You tell him to catch his attention. "Do you have any idea who i am?" You ask him curious to know if he looked you up or not.

"I know that you're the one that got her ass handed to her by Dakota Kai." Corbin replies. "Because you don't know when to keep your mouth shut." You nod your head with a small grin.

"All true statements yes." Corbin rolls his eyes again. "I'm also known to be a smartass, just so you know." You tease him

You and Corbin come to a stop where the camera crew usually did interviews and stuff, a little tv monitor stands a few feet away from the both of you.

"Okay so this is were most of out work during the show goes down." He explains to you. "Like right now, Elias should be on his way here to talk about his match tonight with Bobby Lashley." You nod and do a quick scan of the room.

"Seems simple enough. What are we going to tell him?" You turn your attention to Corbin, ready to actually do your job.

"Don't know yet." Corbin replies. "The crowd always loves him, but i find him annoying." You crack a small smile at this comment.

A few minutes later Elias comes sauntering up to the two of you with his usual cocky grin. He nods to Corbin then his eye's land on you.

"Ah Y/N, so you're the one that Stephanie gave the GM job to." He grins at you.

"Elias." You nod at him.

Baron leads the way in dealing with Elias, you kind of stand off to the side and observe for now. You had to admit, Corbin was a natural at this it seemed. After Elias leaves you slide back next to Corbin to talk a bit.

"Well that was a sight to watch." You tease. "Always happy to watch a professional at work." You catch a small grin show itself on Corbins lips.

You were warming up to him. The two of you hang out and talk for a few minutes until you hear things being thrown around down the hall. You see Corbin tense up as he turns around, but he finds that he was nowhere to go.

"What's the problem Corbin?" You ask him as you see the panic in his eyes setting in.

"Braun Strowman." Corbin swallows hard just as Strowman turns the corner and barrels towards you two.

You furrow your brows and step in front of Corbin, Braun stops just a few feet shy of you and looks down at you with an annoyed look.

"Out of my way." He demands as he stares down Corbin behind you.

"Sorry can't, broken leg." You reply and move your leg around a little.

"If you don't move then i'll move you." Braun glares daggers at you.

A grin remains on your face as you look right up at Braun with not even a hint of fear in your eyes.

"Sure you will big guy." You nod at him. "I'm afraid that me and my CO-General Manager have some things to discuss, so would you be a dear and leave us be?" You ask him with a raised brow.

Braun looks at Corbin then back down to you. You remain calm and confident as he sneers at you then turns to leave.

"Can't hide behind her forever Corbin." Braun spits as he leaves.

"Don't bank on that!" You yell back.

Once Braun is gone you turn back around to Corbin who looks down at you in awe.

"What?" You ask him as you shift your weight on your crutches.

"Umm you just told Braun Strowman to fuck off." Baron replies.

"That's not what i said at all." You shake your head. "I just told him that we have better things to attend to then him is all." You shrug.

"Yeah, but he listened to you." Corbin shakes his head in disbelief.

"It's all in the way you carry yourself Corbin." You pat his arm. "Showing weakness to people bigger than you will get your ass kicked every time, trust me on that." Corbin nods his head and looks down at you.

"Come on lets head back to the office, your foot is probably tired anyway." Corbin moves so you can go down the hall easier.

"Yes it is killing me matter of fact." You grin.

You could tell that this whole CO-GM thing was going to be a huge success.

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