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The locker room buzzes with excitement around you, since today was the day that the new Mix Match challenge pairs was being announced. You and a few friend all stand around and gossip about just you you'd all like to get paired with.

"Elias would be a dream honestly." Alexa giggles to your right.

"Ugh, yes." Liv agree's next to her. "He's so hot." She gushes with a smile. "Personally i'm hoping for Seth Rollins." She admits herself.

The circle fills with ooo's and giggles as all the girls agree with Liv's choice. You nod along, Seth wasn't really who you'd been pining for.

"What about you Y/N?" Sasha looks at you with curious eyes.

"Oh we all know who Y/N wants to get paired with." Alexa replies in a snicker. "She's had her eyes on a certain one and only since he started on Raw." She exposes your crush with a smile.

"Ricochet huh." Liv nods her head. "He's hot." She approves of your choice.

The four of you gossip some more until the time finally arrives and you all gather in the trainer's room, you stand and wait as pairs are listed off by someone up front.

"Next, Andrade and Charlotte Flair." The guy announces the next pair.

You look over at the group of thinning men to your right, only a few of them remained. It was down to, Seth Rollins, AJ Styles, Aleister Black, Tomasso Ciampa, and Ricochet. You glance at Ricochet then turn back to the front of the room.

"Next, Y/N L/N paired with.... Ricochet." The man announces your partners name and your heart almost jumps from your chest.

You quickly step out of the crowd and to the right, meeting Ricochet in the middle. He wears his usual dreamy smile as he greets you.

"Pleasure to be partnering with you Y/N." He grins at you with a hand held out. "I've seen you in the ring, and i gotta say. The stuff you do is pretty impressive." He compliments you.

The fact that Ricochet new who you were and watched you in the ring shortened your breath, this man was actually liking you so far.

"Thank you, that's great coming from Mr. 630 splash." You tease with a grin of your own.

"Ahh." Ricochet waves his hand like it isn't a big deal. "You're 360 inverted splash is a thing of beauty to." He shoots the compliment right back, making you blush slightly.

The two of you head out of the arena, but just in time for you to hear the last pairing made. Liv got paired with Tomasso Ciampa, which was going to be a sight to see.

You and Ricochet head out for some coffee to discuss your team name and get to know each other a little bit better.

"So team names." You bring up the subject as you both take a seat on some stools. "Any ideas?" You ask him curiously.

"Team names." Ricochet repeats. "Hmmm, lets see." He furrows his brows in a way that you can't help but find super cute. "Something to do with our high flying prowess would be cook." He suggests.

You take that idea and think on it for a moment, the waiter brings over both your coffee's and you take a small sip from yours.

"Hmmm, Sky Squad?" Is the first thing that pops into your head.

It was a little cheesy, but the look on Ricochets face when it rolls off your tongue tells you that he loves it.

"Sky Squad." He repeats with a bright smile. "I love it, nice N/N." He nods his head, agreeing to the idea.

"Thanks." You giggle a little at his enthusiasm.

The two of you finish off having coffee and part ways for the night, you head back to your hotel and find Liv waiting for you so you guys can talk.

"Liv, so how's Ciampa?" You ask her with a grin when you plop down on your bed.

"An asshole." Liv replies immediately. "But if i'm being honest, it's kinda hot." She giggles to herself.

"Only you Liv." You giggle right back and shake your head.

"I know." She giggles further. "Now tell me about how lucky you are, getting paired with Ricochet man." She stares at you from her bed with intrigue.

You smile wide to yourself and giggle just thinking about it, you sigh and make sure to calm yourself before you speak again.

"Honestly? He's perfect." You squeal to yourself. "He's smooth, and polite. And my god is he charming." You sigh contently. "I've hung out with him once for a few hours and i'm already in love." Liv giggles from her bed and chucks a pillow at you.

"Lucky." She pouts. "You get prince charming, and i'm stuck with dark and mysterious." She glares at you in a playful manner.

You both erupt into a fit of laughter and settle in for the night.

Over the next week or so you and Ricochet perfect your ability to work in the ring together. To your surprise and delight you both find it easy to co-exist in the ring together. The two of you go together like you'd been doing this for years.

The tournament starts and you find your first opponents to be Seth Rollins and Alexa Bliss. You and Ricochet stand by the curtain and wait for your turn to go out.

"Okay." You stand and hype yourself up. "We've got this." You assure yourself more than your partner.

"Hey." Ricochet places a gentle hand on your arm. "We've got this in the bag N/N, and i've got your back out there." He assures you.

You nod and walk through the curtain at the cue, you and Ricochet head out to the ring with smiles and start off. You hang back since Seth's starts the match, forcing you to the apron.

The whole match is fast paced, Seth keeps Ricochet going. Not to mention Alexa keeps you on your toes with her mind games. A bit further into the match you go for a dive at Alexa from inside the ring, Seth manages to trip you up at the last second and you prepare for a hard landing to the floor.

At the last second Ricochet comes rushing in and manages to catch you before you hit the floor, you freeze and look at him in awe and thanks.

"Told ya i got your back babe." He grins as he sets you down.

The rest of the match comes to an end with Ricochet giving you a small boost over the ropes at Alexa right as he goes in for a pin on Seth. The bell rings and you slide back into the ring for a celebration on your first win.

"That was awesome!" You gush happily.

"Yeah it was." Ricochet agree's.

"And hey, thanks again for catching me." You feel the need to thank your prince charming again.

"Hey like i said, i've got my girls back." He grins.

"Your girl." You perk up at the nickname. "Is that so?" You ask with a smirk.

"If you'll have me." Ricochet nods his head.

"Well i'd be a fool to say no." You blush with a chuckle. "So yeah, i guess that makes you my man then." You almost laugh at the cliche of it all.

"Well then that makes me one lucky man." Ricochet pulls to his side and a hug.

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