Adam Cole

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You groggily open your eyes at the feeling of sun radiating on your face, you sigh and stretch and look to your left at where alarm clock should be. Instead of seeing the current time displayed in digital red numbers a person lays next to you asleep. You take a split second to think about why the hell someone was in bed with you then immediately jumped up.

"Adam wake up!" You smack the sleeping man you now recognize as Adam Cole.

"Hmm what?" Adam asks still half asleep as he turns over to look at you glaring at him. "What's wrong?" You smack his arm again.

"You never went back to your own room last night is whats wrong." You scold him as you pull your blanket off his body. "Now put your clothes on and get out before Kenny catches us and kills you." You throw his pants from the floor at him.

"Alright alright." Adam throws his hands up before grabbing his pants and pulling them on. "You know you could just tell him that we're a couple." He teases as you frantically search the room for his shirt.

"Mhm yeah great plan, hey Ken what's up big brother? Oh by the way just thought I'd tell you, one of your best friends is fucking me on the down low." You fake a conversation. "Ugh where the hell did you throw your shirt." You groan.

All of a sudden a pair of arms grab you making you stop, you stand still and take a breath.

"Alright just calm down there gorgeous, you're wearing my shirt." Adam smirks as he looks down at his own shirt hanging loosely off your shoulders. "I'll be outta your hair before old Kenny comes to bug you as always." He assures you.

You nod now call and strip the shirt off and hand it to him before throwing on a shirt of your own, once you've dressed yourself you look back to Adam who is now fully dressed.

"See it's all good babe." He muses as he pulls you to his side. "And no Kenny in sight." As if karma had just kicked in someone knocks on the door.

"Hey n/n it's Ken." You hear your brother from outside the door.

"Hold on." You immediately yell back. "I'm changing." You lie. Adam looks at you as you push him to the floor. "Quick hide." You whisper to him and run to the door. "Hey bro." You seeing open the door.

"Hey, just wake up?" Kenny smiles as he steps inside.

"Ha, yeah I guess I had a long night." You innocently reply as you watch him closely making sure he doesn't suspect Adam hiding under the bed. "So what's up?" You ask him.

All of a sudden Kenny turns to you with a more serious face, you swallow and smile at him trying not to look suspicious.

"Well I was looking for Adam earlier, but he wasn't in his room and you are his friend." He tells you. "Any idea where he could be?" He asks you raising a brow.

'Oh god' you think to to yourself, 'he knows, had to'. You gulp and shake your head no hoping he won't press you about it.

"No, I mean I saw him last night before I retired to my room." You lie. "Why? What do you need him for?" You ask.

"Oh no reason, just wanted to talk to him is all." Kenny shrugs. "Well alright I'll go ask Matt and Nick of they've seen him I guess." He all of a sudden stands to his feet.

You nod just wanting him to leave, you watch as he walks out the door and shut it behind you. As soon as you're sure he's gone you walk back over to your bed and lean down.

"You can come out now." You giggle at Adam looking kind of scared as he lays on his stomach. You step back am let Adam roll out and stand to his feet, you notice he wears a strange look. "What wrong babe?" You ask him placing a hand on his arm.

"He kicked me." Adam replies looking you in the eyes. "He knows he has to, he kicked my leg." You look at him, your fear coming true.

"It'll be fine." You nervously nod at him. "Just leave for now and I'll see you later today." You kiss his cheek and send him out the door.

Once Adam is gone you dress in some normal clothes and head out to the arena to catch everyone to hang out.

When you get to the arena you see Kenny and Nick talking and glancing at Adam. Afraid to do anything you walk over to Marty on his phone.

"Hey Marty." You slide next to him. "What's up?" You ask him.

Marty pockets his phone and looks at you with a smile, you raise an eyebrow.

"You sly dog." He muses. "You've been getting with Adam haven't you?" He asks.

"What?" You ask. "No. Who told you that?" You ask him looking down.

"Kenny, caught that sly dog hiding under your bed." Marty chuckles while lightly tapping your arm.

"Oh screw off Scurll." You wave him off to hide your embarrassment.

You begin to walk off when you see Kenny stroll over to Adam, curious and ready to defend your man you trot over there.

"So yeah you're a real good hider man, I mean your whole foot was visible." Kenny muses to Adam. "Man if your gonna fuck my little sister behind my back at least make an effort to hide it." He hits Adams arm jokingly.

"So you aren't mad at him?" You ask your brother expecting him to be mad.

"Oh no I'm fucking pissed." He replies sending a glare Adams way. "But you're a grown ass woman, not my job to dictate who's sleeping with you." He shrugs.

You share a look with Adam and look back to the man that claimed to be your brother.

"Umm well this went better than I expected." You rub that back of your neck. "I'm just gonna take you and leave now." You grab Adams hand and pull him away from your brother.

"Man is it just be or does he seem scarier now?" Adam asks you.

"Oh yeah definitely, you should probably watch your back babe, his calm is never good." You giggle at the whole situation. "In the meantime you can stay with me, I'll protect you." You hug him tightly.

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