Cedric Alexander

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You walked into the arena of the Royal Rumble for the year, the backstage was buzzing with rumors of new faces, and rivalries that were going to come to a close. You on the other hand were focused on one thing, the cruiserweight championship. Being a commentator on 205 it was your job to be invested in the match of course, but you had another reason to be excited about it. You had recently caught the eyes of both the current champion, Buddy Murphy, and his challenger, Cedric Alexander.

You had made a habit of flirting immensely with the two of them out of interest and boredom, but you were secretly hoping that Cedric was able to pull off the win. There was just something about Cedric that was just so undeniably charming and cute.

"Hey Nigel." You greet your fellow commentator with a grin as you take a seat backstage next to him.

"Y/N, i was wondering when you were going to get here." Nigel replies

"Yeah yeah." You shrug. "At least i'm not late." You remind him.

"Yes i suppose." Nigel nods.

The two of you hang out for a little bit until NIgel leaves to find Percy before the three of you needed to be out at the table for the cruiserweight championship match. You're Not alone for long when Cedric shows up.

"Y/N hey!" He greets you with that adorable smile.

"Cedric, hey." You grin as he takes a seat next to you. "Hey i love the ring gear." You notice the obvious homage to spiderman.

"Thanks, you a fan of spider man?" He asks you curiously.

"Yep." You nod and roll up your sleeve to reveal a small spider tattoo on your wrist. "He's one of my favorites." You smile happily.

"Hey that's awesome, maybe that'll give me some good luck for this match." Cedric suggests.

"Ah you don't need luck Ceddy." You wave your hand. "You've got this match in the bag, just don't let Murphy get to you." You tell him with a hopeful grin.

"Yeah?" Cedric replies. "You'll root for me then?" He asks you.

"Absolutely. In my head anyway." You nod.

Cedric nods his head happily and heads off to warm up a little more before the match starts, but before he leaves he turns and asks you a question.

"Hey if i win, let me take you out to see the new spider man movie on monday." He asks you with bright eyes.

"I'll take that deal." You agree with the terms. "Good luck Ceddy." You wish him good luck and head out to the commentary table for yourself.

Soon Percy and Nigel join you and the three of you get ready for the match to start. Usually on pay per views cruiserweight only had one match so you didn't have a long work night to look forward to.

"Ready for this match?" Percy asks you as he slips his headset on.

"Yeah." You nod and do the same. "Why do you ask?" You ask him curiously.

"Well you have kind of been cozying up to Cedric this past week." Nigel cuts in.

"Oh yeah huh." You nod and watch as the camera man approaches you.

You take a deep breathe and go ahead and do the usual 205 tagline, then Percy cuts in and takes over for the match intro. You watch intently as Murphy's music hits and he heads out to the ring with the usual cocky look plastered on his face. Then you turn your attention to Cedric as he makes his way down to the ring, his gear looking stunning in contrast to his dark skin in the lighting of the arena.

"So who do you have your money on Nigel?" You ask Nigel to make some conversation for the match.

"Oh Buddy Murphy for sure." Nigel replies.

"Oh come on NIgel." Percy buts in. "You've got to give Cedric Alexander some credit, he's been working hard for the opportunity." You nod at both men and watch as both men in the ring go to work.

As you watch the match you notice Cedric looks your way every once in a while, you make sure to give him a confident smile when he does. It was the least you could to to urge him on in the match.

"Oof, and Murphy with a nasty kick to Cedric's abdomen." You call the dropkick that Murphy had just managed to deliver.

"Oh and this might be Murphy's chance to retain." Nigel points out as Murphy goes for the pin.

You whisper under your breath for Cedric to kick out, but it doesn't look good. But at the last second, right before the ref's hand hits the mat for the third time be manages to get up. You stop yourself for calling out in glee since you still had your mic in as Cedric manages to get to his feet.

"Wow, amazing rezilience by Cedric Alexander." You comment as you watch Cedric climb to the top rope.

You're almost on the edge of your seat as Cedric climbs to the top rope and delivers a brilliant finisher, then pins a tired Murphy for the three count.


Cedric winks at you as he picks up his new belt and celebrates a little before heading backstage. You wait a little bit before you do the same and head backstage with Percy and Nigel. Your job was done for the night.

Once you get backstage it doesn't take Cedric long to find you, when you see him you happily hug him for his victory.

"See i told you that you had it in the bag." You tell him as he hugs you.

"Well i did have a good cheerleader." Cedric replies with a chuckle. "So this means that i get to take you to see spiderman tomorrow right?" He asks you recalling your deal earlier.

"Yes." You giggle. "Maybe if you want to, we can grab some dinner tonight to celebrate your hard earned victory?" You suggest.

"Yes, that be awesome." Cedric nods. "Just let me go change." He tells you.

You nod and happily wait for your cute new champion to join you for dinner.

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