Tye Dillinger

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You lean against the wall casually as Xavier gushes about the newest god of war game, you barely listen to him not really that interested in it. But hey it was something to occupy you until your match with Carmella.

"Y/n." You all of a sudden hear your name snapping you back in reality. "Are you even listening to me?" Xavier asks you.

"Yes I'm listening." You nod. "Why wouldn't I be?" You ask him.

"Umm because you've got interest in God of war and I'm probably boring you to death." Xavier replies.

You wave your hand and shake your head assuring Xavier that you're interested in what he's got to say, he doesn't buy it.

"You know we can talk about something else." Xavier tells you. "When was the last time you talked to Tye?" He asks you bringing up your bestfriend you haven't seen in awhile.

"Not for a few weeks, he took a few weeks off to go see him sister and new niece." You explain Tye's absence. "I've no idea when he's supposed to be back." You shrug your shoulders.

"What if I was back now?" A voice replies making you almost jump with joy.

You spin around to see the man in question looking at you with a wide smile and arms held out ready for a hug.

"Tye." You hug him tightly. "You're back." You muse happily.

"Ha, yeah I'm back." He replies hugging you back. "Miss me?" He asks as he finally let's you go.

You give a look that answer his question, then you turn to Xavier who greets Tye with a smile.

"Nice to see you back Dillinger." He nods to the Canadian native.

Tye nods to Xavier then drags you off to catch up with him, the two of you walk side by side happily.

"So how was your trip?" You ask him as you glance his way. "And how's your sister and the baby?" You quickly add.

"They're both fine." Tye grins. "And I'm just glad I'm back, SmackDown needs it's perfect duo." He nudges you.

"Duo?" You reply not knowing what he means.

Tye smiles and nudges you with his arm again, you turn your attention fully to him.

"I'm not the only one here thats a perfect ten, you've been holding that title since we met. Together we make the perfect pair." He tells you with a large grin.

"Tye Dillinger." You reply as you shoot him a mischievous grin. "You don't happen to back hitting on me, your best friend, do you?" You ask him holding back a giggle.

"Maybe so, depends on if my best friend is into it." Tye replies sending you an adorable smile your way.

"Well we do make a pretty rocking couple." You grin.

Tye pulls you into a side hug as you come to his locker room, you stop and take a step back.

"I've got a match with Carmella that I've gotta catch." You tell him. "But I'll see you when I finish." Tye nod and kisses your cheek.

"For good luck." He tells you. "Not that a perfect ten like you needs it." He quickly adds before he slips into his room.

You giggle and head to the ring to meet Carmella, when you get out there she already waits for you. You slide into the ring and wait for three bell to ring.

"Heard Tye came back." Carmella tells you as you and her push each other around.

"Yeah." You reply as you trip her and go for a pin. "Me and him already reunited."

Carmella kicks out of your pin and goes for one herself, you roll through it and kick her off the ring to the floor. Then after doing a few taunts to get the crowd pumped you climb to the top rope and deliver a 450 inverted splash as Carmella gets back in the ring.

"One... Two... Three." The official counts as his fist hits the mat.

You stand in victory and help Carmella up in respect, you both hobble backstage.

"So are you gonna finally ask Tye out?" Carmella asks you as she towels some sweat off her forehead.

"Yeah I think so." You nod to her with confidence. "It seems like the right time to." Carmella nods furthering your decision to ask the canadian out on a date.

Back at his locker room Tye has the same conversation with Xavier and Kofi as he settles back in his room.

"Do you guys really think she'll say yes?" He asks as he pushes a box up on a shelf.

"Are you kidding?" Xavier replies.

"She'll say yes no doubt." Kofi adds with a grin.

"Okay then, if you guys are sure." Tye nods. "I'll ask her when she gets back."

"Ask me what?" You ask as you step into the locker room.

Tye looks at you with a nervous smile, Xavier and Kofi leave the room in a hurry.

"I um wanted to know if you'd maybe wanna go out after the show, like a date?" Tye asks you as he scratches his neck.

You look at a nervous Tye and start to giggle to yourself, The gives you a look.

"Oh wow that fun." You laugh. "Tye I was going to ask the same thing." Tye looks at you not expecting this to be your reply.

"You where?" He asks you. "Why?" You smile and take a step to him.

"Why not?" You answer. "Tye how long have we been friend's? You've always been the one guy that's there for me when I need you, and it's safe to say I like you." You spew out some sweet words. "Why do you wanna ask me out?" You finally ask him back.

"Ha." Tye laughs. "Who wouldn't." He shrugs. "You're confident and beautiful, not to mention funny and one of the nicest girls I've met. So easy to get along with, why wouldn't I wanna make you mine?" He asks.

You can't help but blush at his words, he pulls you into a second hug which you gladly accept.

"Maybe you shoulda asked sooner." You mumble into his chest loving the feeling of his chuckle in his chest.

"We'll just have to make up for lost time is all." He replies.

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