Johnny Gargano

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You stand by the window in the living room and look outside with a heavy sigh, snow was falling down in huge chunks and sticking to just about anything that it could. A small draft creeps through the window and raises goosebumps on your arm from the chilled air.

"What are we looking longingly at?" You feel a pair of arms wrap around you followed by a question.

"I had plans to go shopping today." You sigh as your eyes follow an abnormally large snowflake fall down to the ground and blend in with the rest of the fresh powder. "Jessica's birthday in a few days and i still need to get her something." You explain, referring to your good childhood friend Jessica.

"Ah yes." Johnny nods his head, his arms still wrap around your torso. "Good ol Jess." He grins recalling the few times that he's met your best friend. "Think she'll ever get over me taking you away from Seattle and her?" He asks with a small chuckle.

When you and Johnny had finally taken the next big step in your relationship and gotten engaged you decided to move from your home in Seattle with Jessica all the way cross country to Philadelphia where Johnny's new place was. You and Jessica had been best friends since grade school, and roomates since you both were 17. She didn't take the news of you moving in with Johnny across the country to well.

"Ha." You giggle a little recalling Jessica's reaction when you told her the news. "I highly doubt that, she still seems mad to me." You joke knowing very well Jess had gotten over the whole situation a while ago.

Starting to get a bit cold from standing next to the window you walk to the kitchen, pulling away from your fiance's grip. Johnny pouts a little as you walk off but decides to follow you into the kitchen anyway.

"It's almost the end of February Johnny, you'd think that the snow would be all gone. Not accumulating like crazy and preventing me from getting my best friend a birthday gift." You complain and pull a packet of hot cocoa powder from the cabinet above you.

"Tell me about it." Johnny nods his head in agreement. "I was suppose to go to the gym with Tomasso today." He glances at his ready gym bag now sitting useless by the side door.

"Again?" You furrow your brows as you fill a mug with hot water from the faucet. "Didn't the two of you work out together yesterday, or the day before that?" You ask him as steam rises from the faucet. "What are the two of you up to?" You raise a brow and rip the top of the cocoa packet with one hand.

"Nothing." Johnny shakes his head defensively. "We've just been hanging out more is all." He insists, trying not to seem like he was up to something.

"Mhm." You grin and drop the subject for the time being and grab your now full cup of hot cocoa off of the counter.

Johnny watches as you take your cup and head down the call to your office room, you were a popular twitch streamer that mostly did horror games.

"I'm gonna be playing the remastered version of Resident Evil 2 for a while babe." You glance at Johnny when he leans in the doorway of the room to see what you're up to. "Just like 2 or 3 hours is all." You explain as you pull your headset off of its stand.

"Alright." Johnny nods with a small smile and heads out of the room.

The two of you often had your own things to get up to when you were both home, you had a stream schedule to keep up with, and Johnny was always getting up to things in his free time when he was home.

About three hours later you finish up your stream and shut everything down to find the house sounding very empty. Curious as to what your usually rowdy fiance was up to you make your way into the living room where his game console is located.

"Johnny?" You call out as you look at the Netflix screen silently displayed on the tv.

You walk over to the couch to see Johnny sleeping on the couch peacefully, this makes you grin to yourself as you see just how cute he looks. You reach down and push some hair out of his face making him squirm a little and open his eyes.

"Afternoon sleepy head." You giggle and lean down from the back of the couch.

"Hi." Johnny replies groggily. "Did i fall asleep?" He asks you as he sighs and rubs his eyes a little.

"It seems so." You nod. "Why, were you tired?" You ask Johnny curiously as he sits up on the couch and stretches.

"I didn't think so." He replies. "But i guess that i was." You walk over to the other side of the couch and sit down with Johnny.

"Man i guess." You chuckle. "But hey, it stopped snowing." You gesture to the window.

Outside the snow has stopped falling for the time being and around a foot or so of fresh powder blankets everything. A thick veil of clouds keeps the sun from shining, but it' still bright out.

"Good." Johnny sighs and lays back down, using your lap as a pillow. "We don't wanna get snowed in." You nod in agreement and look down at Johnny in your lap.

"You saying that you wouldn't wanna be stuck in the house with me for a few days?" You ask with a raised brow and a small smile.

"Stuck in the house with you?" Johnny replies in a fake scared tone. "That be a nightmare." You giggle at him and shake your head. "What would we even do?" He asks you with a curious grin.

"Hmm good question." You reply in a flirty tone. "If i had that much time alone with you, i think i'd rather just use it to stream." You tease with a giggle.

"Streaming?" Johnny replies. "Stuck in a cold house all day with me, and you'd use it to stream?" You nod at his annoyed face.

"Mhm. Why? What would you plan on doing with that much time alone with me?" You ask him with a raised brow.

"Oh we both know what i'd use that time for." Johnny wiggles his eyebrows suggestively.

"Of course." You giggle. "Well we don't have an entire day, but i have a feeling that no one will be bothering us the rest of the day." You grin suggestively.

"Oh is that so?" Johnny sits up from his lying down position and then gets to his feet. "Well then, why don't the two of us go warm up a little then." He grins and holds out his hand to you.

"Lead the way boss." You grin and take his hand.

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