Flip Gordon

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"Someone's gotta help him." You struggle against Kenny's grip as he holds you firmly to his chest.

You watch helpless as Flip stands in the ring and takes shot after agonizing shot from a kendo stick delivered by one Bully Ray. Luckily Kenny, your best friend since school was around when the beating started to stop you from getting yourself hurt.

"Ken please." You beg and struggle against his grip. "Let me go." Kenny shakes his head as his grip tightens on you. "I'm not going to let you get hurt Y/N, i'm sorry." You huff in both frustration and desperation to help poor Flip in the ring.

After what seemed like an eternity for you, Bully finally leaves. As soon as Kenny's grip lets up you bolt away from him and down to the ring. You push past everyone currently in the ring and fall to your knees and immediately console your boyfriend.

"Flip, baby are you okay?" You ask as you pull his head up gently.

"Y/N." Flip groans. "You should be here, it's to dangerous." You can tell he's in a lot of pain.

"I'm, Bully's gone and Kenny's right behind me." You assure him with a small smile. "Are you alright? Where does it hurt?" You ask softly.

You don't flinch when someone comes up behind you, for one you don't really care. And you also have a pretty good feeling that it's just Kenny.

"Come on i'll help him up." You relax a little when you hear Kenny.

The two of you help Flip up, you hold him close while also avoiding his back as best you can. Kenny is replaced by some backstage hands but you stay with him as long as possible.

"I'll be right outside babe." You call to Flip when backstage people push you out of the room.

With nothing else to do, you start to worry. Bully was getting out of hand and you feared for your boyfriends safety,

"I'm sure he'll be fine N/N." Kenny assures you with a small side hug.

"Oh god Kenny." You sigh. "I'm so worried about him, what if Bully decides he still didn't get the message across?" You lean into Kenny as your head spins.

"Hey." Kenny replies sharply. "If push comes to shove, me and the boys will help Flip." He assures you.

"Thanks Kenny." You nod softly.

After a while of waiting Flip is released from the room and told to go and rest for a few nights. You take him home, the ride is relatively silent. You don't wanna push Flip, and he feels down from being beaten up.

"Here sit down." You pat the couch once you both are home and settled in. "Let me see what i can do about your back." You sigh and gesture for Flip to take his shirt off.

He hesitates a little bit but does as told, he knows that all you want to do is help. You almost have to look away when he strips his shirt off, harsh marks of different sizes and color litter Flips back.

"Oh baby." You sigh and grab Flips hand. "Thank god you're okay." Flip swallows and nods his head.

"I'm gonna beat his ass." He mumbles under his breath.

"What was that?" You sit straight and furrow your brows at Flip.

Flip sighs, which you can see makes his back sting. He grabs your hand gently and looks you in the eyes.

"I know that you're going to protest, but Bully needs to be put in his place sweetie." Flip tells you. "I need to do this." You nod which surprises Flip a little.

"Okay, just please let me talk to Kenny about him and boys being there just in case." You beg him.

Flip agree's which puts you at ease a little bit, the rest of the night you go through all the ways you know of to help Flip with his back pain.

Over the next few days you spend time with Flip, he trains the best he can to be ready for his I quit match with Bully in just a weeks time. You help best you can and encourage him all the way. The day comes and you feel a little uneasy when you walk into the show building hand intertwined with Flips.

"Hey it'll be okay babe." Flip squeezes your hand when he notices that you're nervous.

He kisses your forehead gently and goes out to his match, you stay behind with Kenny for the time being.

The match gets started and Kenny has to go back to holding you back, Flip ends up bleeding and you threaten to kill Kenny if he doesn't go out and help Flip. He agrees as long as you stay behind. More men start to show up in the ring and it turns to a brawl, you end up being pushed out the ring by one of Bully's companions.

"Hey Gordon!" Bully gets ahold of you and calls to Flip. "You quit yet?" He asks Flip as he holds you against him with force.

You flail and kick to try and get away, Flip freezes up and stares at you as you struggle.

"No Bully please don't." Flip begs. "Let her go please." Bully laughs and squeezes you some more.

Kenny and The Jackson brothers manage to get a distraction off and you manage to get away, but not before delivering a well deserved nut shot to Bully. Flip sees this and pulls you into a surprise kiss before he meets Bully in the ring with a kendo stick.

Kenny meets up with you and takes you backstage, you follow him while the sound of kendo stick on flesh fills the ring. A little time goes by, then you see Flip come up the ramp. You duck Kenny and run over to him, he easily picks you up and kisses you again. You happily ignore the taste of blood and sweat on your lips.

"You did it baby." You sigh happily. "You kicked his ass." Flip grins and sets you down on your feet.

"Told you i'd kick his ass baby." He grins. "I'd never let him get away with hurting you." You kiss Flips cheek and nod.

"I know, and I love you for that."

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