Seth Rollins/Finn Balor

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You walked into the Raw arena a bit tired, you'd been up all day and night getting work done for Kurt since his baby girl was in the hospital. Now that he was gone you where up to your neck in things to do, you stepped into the Hall with a handful of papers and a drive to get some coffee.

"Hey y/n." You all of a sudden hear a warm voice as you walk. "Need a hand?" It asks you. You recognize the warm and inviting tone as Seth Rollins.

"Yeah that be great." You nod from behind the stack of papers, the weight of lifted from your arms and your met with a pair of chocolate brown eyes. "I'm just heading to the office." You nod down the Hall.

"I'll carry these for you, you look like you could use some help." Seth chuckles and he easily holds the stack of papers.

"Haha yeah you got that right." You light heartedly chuckle as you walk with him to the office. "Man with Kurt gone I'm up to my ass in desk work." You groan happy to have someone to vent to.

"I bet." Seth sets the papers down on the oak desk. "Here you go." He nods with a smile.

"Yeah thanks for that, just let me know if I can repay the favor." You nod as you sit down in a chair.

"Yeah, take care y/n." Seth nods and shuts the door to your office. Once he's outside he sighs happy he did a good deed for the girl he was trying to work up the courage to ask out.

He heads back to his locker room and sees Finn Balor walk past him with two cups of coffee.
Finn nods to Seth as they pass each other, he then makes his way to your office. Knocking on the door first he opens the door with a smile.

"Morning lass, brought you some coffee." He hands you a cup of the hot coffee with a wide smile.

"Ugh thank you so much." You happily take the coffee and immediately take a sip. "Uh that's much better, thanks Finn." You nod at the Irishman. Finn nods and leaves you to your work.

He to was looking to work up some courage to ask you out on a date, little to his knowledge Seth had the same idea. Happy that he managed to make your day a bit better Finn walks down to the locker room, as he turns the corner he hears Seth talking to his tag partner Dean.

"Just ask her out man." Dean shakes his head as he clasps a hand on his buddies shoulder. "She's into you, and let's face it if you don't get her now someone else is bound to pick her up." Seth looks to Dean for an explanation.

"No one else likes her though." He kids to Dean. "Do they?" Dean smiles and nods a bit.

"You my friend are in competition with Finn Balor for the ladies affection." He can't help but smile. Seth punches his arm.

"Hey it's not funny man, he can't get to her first. I like her way more than Balor does." He states.

Down the Hall Finn wears a look at determination, he can't let Seth get to you while he still has anything to say about it.

"I'm gonna go see her after the show." He hears Seth state from down the Hall.

"Not if I've got anything to say about it." Finn mumbles to himself.

Later that night you're about to leave for the night when you're stopped by your boss for a quick chat.

"Hey y/n glad I caught you." Hunter smiles as he stops you outside your office.

"Oh hey Hunter." You nod not expecting to see him. "What's up?" You ask him.

"Just wanted to know when you're due back on NXT, you're missed." He tells you with a smile.

"Am i?" You reply with a wide grin. "How's our champion doing?" You ask him.

"Fine. A bit uneasy without his lucky charm around though." Hunter nods, you nod happy with the news your given.

Down the Hall Seth makes his way to your office hoping he didn't miss you, all of a sudden he spots finn turn the corner and speeds up. Both men lock eye knowing what the other is thinking. They both turn the corner and see you talking to Hunter.

"Y/n." Seth yells first.

You turn your attention to Seth and Finn both falling over each other to get to you and look at them weird.

"Hey." You raise an eyebrow. "What's up with you two?" You ask them.

"I need to ask you something." Finn tells you only to be shoved by Seth.

"Well so do I and I was here first." He tells you.

The pair start arguing, you put a hand up to silence them. They both stop talking and wait for you to speak.

"Thank you." You nod at them both. "Now Seth kindly tell me what you want." You tell him.

Seth takes a deep breath like he's about to say something that will change the fabric of time, Finn scowls at him as he opens his mouth to speak.

"I was going to ask you out." He blurts out.

"Yeah but so was i." Finn jumps in as soon as he has the chance.

You look at both men and a smile spreads on your face, Hunter chuckles next to you and places a hand on your shoulder.

"They don't know?" He asks you.

"Know what?" Seth replies.

You giggle and wipe your eyes as they are watering a little.

"Ah this is to cute, guys you do know I've got a boyfriend right?" You ask both of them with a smile.

"You do?" Finn asks in disbelief.

"Who?" Seth adds equally astonished.

"Hmm." You giggle a bit. "UK champ Mark Andrews ring a bell?" You ask them. "Anyway I've gotta go, sorry you two." You wave at them as you go to leave, Seth and Finn both stand in silence pondering what had just happened.

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