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"For the last time Wilder I said no." You scoff at Dash who blocks your way.

"Oh come on Y/N." Dash bats his eyes at you with a grin. "All I'm asking for is one little date babe." You roll your eyes and push past him.

Dash was becoming a thorn in your side the past few weeks. You had no interest in him, but he didn't seem to be able to take a hint.

"Can't ignore me forever babe." Dash calls after you.

"I can try." You reply.

You gravitate to the catering room for some food and pass a monitor. Your eyes catch Elias sitting on his usual stool with his guitar. You grab some food and take a seat next to the monitor.

"Oh look who also seems to want to walk with Elias." Elias grins as Trish Stratus makes her way to the ring.

You grin at Trish, you and her had never gotten along. You'd be happy to see Elias tell her off like he was currently doing the city she was from.

Sure enough Elias tells her off with a grin on his face. You enjoy the segment until Trish ends up hitting him. Typical of her, hitting someone she knew could fight back.

"Huh. That's just like her." You comment to yourself.

You go back to eating when you see Dash enter the room from the corner of your eyes. You sigh and set down your food, you glance at Dash then at the door on the other side of the room. You might be able to make it out the door without him seeing you.

You take your chance and bolt to the door, as you step out you collide with a chest.

"Ouch shit move." You grunt as you step to the side.

You look to see who you hit and Elias glares at you with a red cheek. You giggle a little knowing why his cheek is red.

"I'd say the same to you." Elias warns you.

"Yeah yeah sure, wanna help me out for a second?" You wave your hand.

"With what?" Elias asks you with a curious grin.

"Dash Wilder, he's got a bad habit of not leaving me alone." You roll your eyes and glance back at Dash scanning the room for you. "Of you do I'll help you out with your little Trish Stratus problem." You add desperate.

Elias stands and thinks about it for a second while Dash nears every second. You bounce nervously as Dash's eyes land on yours.

"Please?" You turn to Elias with wide eyes.

Elias grins and grabs your arm and pulls you to his side. Dash walks through the door to see Elias holding you to his side and turns to leave.

"There, he's gone now." You pull your arm away from Elias. "Thank you." You thank him and take your arm back.

"No problem babe. I see why Dash is looking to score a date with you." Elias grins at you. "And about Trish." He starts on.

"Me and her have never gotten along, next time she bothers you I'll take care of her." You interrupt him.

Elias nods and you go to take you leave. Before you can leave Elias grabs your arm again.

"Wait." He stops you from leaving. "Let me walk you to your locker room, Dash may be lurking around." He offers to you.

You raise a brow and take your arm back again, Elias stands and waits for an answer.

"Elias, helping someone else besides himself out?" You ask with a small grin.

"Well I have been known to help out damsels in distress once in a while." He tells you. "So will you let me walk you to your locker room?" He asks you again.

"Sure." You agree. "I don't see why not." You shrug and let him walk you to your room.

Over the next week or so Elias is right at your side to ward off Dash when he comes around. You learn that the drifter is actually pretty decent in the boyfriend department.

"So I'm gonna guess that you have the perfect song to grace all these canadians again with tonight?" You ask Elias as you lean in his locker room door.

"I do." Elias nods as he ties one of his bracelets on his wrist. "And I have a feeling I'm due another visit from Canada's sorry excuse for a pride and joy." He comments and rubs his cheek.

"Yeah well let her come, I'll be right behind the ramp curtain in case she tries anything." You nod your head. You couldn't wait to get your hands on Trish.

Elias nods and heads out to the ring, you follow behind him all the way to the curtain.

"Good luck." You wave him off as he steps through the curtain.

You get a few minutes of silence before Dash comes looking for you. You swear it's like he's got a tracking device that tells him when you're alone.

"Well well well, look who it is." Dash smiles. "Finally ditch your guitar buddy did we now Y/N?" He asks you with a grin.

"How many times do you have to be told Dash?" You turn and ask him. "Read my lips Wilder, I'm not interested." Dash grins and rolls his eyes.

"Sure you aren't babe. And lemme guess you are interested in him?" He gestures to the monitor on the wall that shows Elias on his stool.

You glance at the monitor from the corner of your eye, Elias sits on his stool and strums his guitar.

"Maybe I am, maybe I'm not." You turn back to Dash. "Who I do and don't like isn't your concern Wilder." You remind him. "Now if you'll excuse me." You turn and walk through the curtain and down the ramp.

You can hear the crowds confusion as well as Corey talking about you from the announce table. You walk down the ramp and inside the ring, Elias grins and plays along.

"Well, it looks like someone wants to walk with Elias." He grins as he looks over at you. "Tell me Y/N, what's brings you out here to this dump of a city?" He asks you.

"Well normally i wouldn't bother with this place." You smile and speak into the mic. "But, there seems to be some quality entertainment tonight." Elias nods his head in agreement.

The show goes on for a while but Trish never shows up. Elias actually ends up performing his whole show. When he's done both of you head backstage together.

"Well looks like Trish was a no-show." You grin as you walk behind the curtain.

"Looks to be that way." Elias nods. "Maybe she's afraid to come around with you hanging out." He suggests.

"Ha. Yeah that sounds like her." You nod.

"Anyway. Why'd you even come out in the first place?" Elias turns and asks you.

"I was just gonna hang out backstage, but Dash seems to always know when I'm alone." You sigh and rub the back of your neck.

Elias nods his head and shifts his guitar to his other side. You walk with him down the hall.

"Well what if you were never alone?" He all of a sudden suggests.

"What do you mean by that?" You reply as you shift your gaze to Elias.

"Well I don't usually do this, but I have seemed to enjoy your company as of late." He tells you with a small grin playing on his lips. "So who's to say that you need to stop hanging with me?" He asks you.

"That's a strange way to ask a girl out Elias." You giggle. "If that's what you're trying to do." Elias slows down his walking pace so you can keep time with him.

"If it was what I was doing would you say yes?" He asks you.

"I don't see why not." You shrug. "I think I might also enjoy your company." You grin.

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