TJ Perkins

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You walked behind Drake carrying a few papers in your hand and Drake's coffee in the other, the two of you snaked through the building to the main office. When you arrived you sighed silently as your arms became free again, they ached from hauling around Drakes things non stop.

"Alright what needs to get done tonight y/n?" Drake asks turning to you with a smile.

"Uh." You stutter a bit as you grab the schedule and gloss over it. "Well you've got an interview with TJ Perkins in fifteen, before his match."

"Alright we'll start with that then, come on." Drake interrupts you as he strides to the doorway. You nod and grab Drake's things before following after him.

You wished he didn't make you come with him, you hated being around TJ, he always had a bad habit of distracting you. Not on purpose of course, but you couldn't help but love the confidence and overall cool demeanor of the first ever champion.

When you get to the recording room you stand off to the side and set a few things down, when you turn back around TJ is standing right next to you.

"Hey y/n." TJ smiles as he looks at you, you swallow, damn that smile.

"Hey Perkins, Drake should be ready in a minute." You tell him assuming that's why he was talking to you.

"Oh alright, anyway how's it going?" He asks you curiously.

You furrow your brows, he wanted to know what you were doing? "Fine, Drake does keep my busy though." You chuckle a bit.

"Huh yeah." TJ nods. "I always see you running around here for him, you look like you could use a break." He smiles.

"Ha, amen to that." You reply. "Oh and there he is, I'll just leave you to it then." You dismiss yourself as Drake walks back in the room.

"Ah TJ how've you been mate?" Drake asks as he claps TJ on the back gently.

"Fine man." TJ replies glancing back at you filing through some papers.

Drake furrows his brows and leans to his side to catch what TJ is looking at, he leans and sees you reading some papers. A small line forms on his lips.

"You don't happen to be ogling over my assistant are you?" He asks TJ who's attention snaps back to his boss.

"I was just looking is all man." TJ protests. Drake nods knowing that's a lie and shakes his head.

"Well let's get this started then, y/n." he calls you over to him.

You trot over to Drake and TJ ready for directions, Drake turns to face you.

"We look camera ready?" He asks you. You nod.

"Yeah, oh but TJ you've got a smudge on your face." You gesture to his right cheek. TJ runs his hand over his cheek and wipes the smudge away quickly. "Perfect." You nod.

You step back and let the camera crew crowd around the pair, while they talk you stand by and wait. A few minutes into it someone walks through the door.

"Murphy." You nod to the blonde.

"Drake busy?" He asks you as he slides to your side.

"Mhm." You reply looking at Drake still talking. "What can I help you with?" You ask him.

"Ah don't worry about me baba, I've gotta talk to Drake." He tells you. "I'll just wait here for him." You shrug and bounce on your heels tired of waiting for Drake and TJ to finish.

Finally the crew wraps up and frees the men from their presence, you watch as Murphy pushes past you as your about to walk over to Drake. You scoff and are about to say something when TJ 'accidentally' hits him with his own shoulder. A small smile cracks on your face as TJ just smiles and walks back over to you.

"Well he's rude." He muses to you.

"Ha got that right, I mean come on. I'm not that bad am I?" You ask TJ AA you look to him. "I try my best." TJ looks down at you and smiles.

"Your the best man, Drake would be a disaster without you. We all would." He tells you making you blush a bit.

"Thanks." You murder to him.

"Heh no problem, and hey if he gives you any trouble just let me know." TJ nods as he turns to the door.

You nod still blushing slightly and let him leave, Murphy pushes past you again looking pissed off. You shrug it off and walk over to Drake.

"What was all that about?" You ask him as you look back to the door.

"I turned him a match down, said you had everything booked for the night." Drake replies smoothing his shirt back out. "Moving on." He turns to you. "I saw you talking to TJ Perkins, what's that about?" He asks you.

You crack a smile and shake your head. "Nothing." Drake smirks and nods.

"Sure, well I'll meet you back here in half and hour then." He nods to you before walking off.

You nod yourself and head out of the room to find a way to kill some time. You remember that you need to talk to one of the camera guys so you head that way, you don't get far when you spot Murphy walking your way. And he looks very pissed off, you swallow and turn a corner making sure to glance back once in a while at the large man following you.

You manage to put a bit of distance in between you and Murphy when your body runs into someone. You looks to your front am sigh aloud when you reveal its TJ. Murphy rounds the corner and your hands instinctively grab tjs rather buff arm. Murphy buffs and turns around.

"What the hell was that?" TJ asks as soon as the other man is gone. He looks down to see you trembling a little. "Hey." He speaks softer now your hand still holding his arm. "Hey y/n it's alright." He uses his other arm to pull you into a hug.

"He wants to kill me man." You almost whisper shaking. TJ runs a hand through your hair and soothes you.

"Hey it's fine babe, he won't get to you." He assures you. "Not while I'm here."

All of a sudden you hear Drake's voice and remove yourself from TJ blushing.

"Hey n/n detach yourself from your boyfriend and get over here." He calls to you in a mocking manner.

"Coming." You call back. You turn to go but TJ stops you and whispers to you.

"I'll take care of him for you." With that he pushes you forward.

You swallow and follow Drake to the office for some help.

Around an hour later you sit talking with Drake when one of the security guards darts in the room.

"Both of you come now, we've got a fight." He tells you.

You and Drake pop up and follow the guy quickly down the Hall, you jump when you see the men fighting. Murphy sits on the floor bleeding from his eye, across from him TJ stands restrained by a few guys with a bloody lip.

"TJ." You blurt out as you move over to him, his muscles relax when he sees you and the man loosen their grip. "God are you okay?" You ask him as you reach him.

"I'm fine baby." He assures you with a smile. You hug him tightly and chuckle.

"When you said you'd take care of it I didn't think you meant this." You tell him as you gently examine the cut on his lip.

"Well to be fair he swung first, I just went to talk." He winces as pain throbs through his bottom lip.

"Hmm. My hero." You kiss the opposite corner of his mouth. "Just no more getting into fists fights." You tell him.

Wrestling One-Shotsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن